Register of Deeds
Register of Deeds: Patricia Duffy
Contact Information:
Phone: (605) 223-7786
Fax: (605) 223-7788
Mailing Address:
PO Box 596
Fort Pierre SD 57532
Office Location:
Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2 Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532
Office Hours:
8 A.M. – 12 P.M. & 1 P.M. - 5 P.M. Central Time
Monday - Friday
*Excluding holidays
The Register of Deeds office is the place where all real estate records are preserved through a scanning process. Deeds, mortgages and all types of miscellaneous documents are maintained to allow for an orderly chain of title. Our land records date back to 1891 for persons interested in family history or just research in general.
We also file State, Federal and County Liens, Mechanic’s Liens, Business Names Registrations, UCC liens, Military Discharge records and other types of miscellaneous filings.
In addition, we issue certified copies of birth, death and marriage records and we are the office you will come to when you are ready to get a marriage license.
•Document Format Standards
SDCL 43-28-23
•Recording Fees
SDCL 7-9-15
•Transfer Fee Exemptions
SDCL 43-4-22
• Prepared By Statement
SDCL 7-9-1 and 43-28-24 thru 43-28-28 inclusive
•State of South Dakota Statues Index
Every type of property transfer document must be accompanied by a Certificate of Real Estate Value document completely and properly filled out. The Certificate does not get recorded but is given to the Director of Equalization Office.
• Certificate of Real Estate Form
Certified copies of birth, death and marriage records are issued at a cost of
$15.00 each to certain persons only. The records are free to Veterans when they are being used for a claim against a government entity.
Informational copies are issued at a cost of $15.00 each to anyone requesting one. They cannot be used for legal purposes but only for informational purposes such as genealogy searches.
•Multiple Vital Records - If you are ordering multiple types of records, (e.g, birth and divorce) or if you are ordering records for more than one individual, please complete sections 1 and 2 (3 and 4 if applicable) on the birth, death, divorce or marriage record) application and use the State Vital Records Addendum
We also issue Marriage Licenses - Marriage Licenses are $40.00 and shall be paid in cash. Both parties must present a Photo ID to prove their age.
Below is the link for the SD State Department of Health site for Vital Records Forms used for ordering a Certified Copy of a birth, death or marriage record. Also the forms for applying for a Marriage License. All of these forms are also available in the Register of Deeds office and can be filled out before the issuance of the record or license.
•Search births over 100 yrs old
•State of South Dakota
•South Dakota Secretary of State -
Use this link for information on UCC and Fictitious Business Names information
•Request for Federal Tax Liens Search
SDCL 44-7-8.1
Call or email the Register of Deeds office to receive a form for a request
•Military Discharge Information
SDCL 33A-2-8
Call or email the Register of Deeds office to receive a form for a request