September 6, 2016



September 6, 2016


The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commission was called to order at 5:09 P.M.(CDT) by Chairman Dana Iversen with Commissioners Dennis Booth, Scott Deal, Craig Heller and Sonny Harrowa present. Also present were Director of Equalization Roger Fuller, Highway Superintendent Lee Smith, Fairgrounds Aaron Brewer, and Auditor Philena Edwards. The meeting commenced with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.


AGENDA: Motion by Craig Heller, second by Scott Deal, to approve the Agenda. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


MINUTES:  Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Craig Heller, to approve August 2, 2016. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.


CLAIMS:  Motion by Scott Deal, second by Sonny Harrowa, to approve Claims as presented. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.


AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE INC                     1237.50  AUGUST 2016 BILLING          

LEONARD ANDERSEN                                                     20.00  MV REFUND                    

AT&T MOBILITY                                                             108.62  CELL PHONES                  

AVERA QUEEN OF PEACE HEALTH                           133.90  R&B PROF SRVC                

BACK-NINE AERIAL                                                   23003.75  W&P SUPPL                    

BEST LAWN CARE                                                          390.00  COURTHOUSE MAINT             

DANETTE BIRKHOLZ                                                       20.00  SUBPOENA                     

JOEY BOYER                                                                      20.00  MV REFUND                    

AARON BREWER                                                             700.81  FAIRGROUNDS-HEALTH INSURANCE 

BUTLER MACHINERY CO                                              153.51  R&B SUPPL                    

MELISSA CAMPBELL                                                        32.76  4-H TRAVEL                   


WICK COMMUNICATIONS                                              158.42  COMM MTG MINS              

CENTRAL CULVERT SUPPLY                                         600.00  FAIRGROUNDS REPAIR & MAINT   

CENTURYLINK                                                                    85.28  4 CORNERS REPEATER           

CENTURYLINK                                                                  241.31  OFFICE PHONE                 

CHEMSEARCH                                                                   782.12  R&B SUPPL                    

TRAVIS W STOUT                                                           1750.00  FAIRGROUNDS SIGNAGE          

CHRISTY LUMBER                                                           450.00  FAIRGROUNDS REPAIRS & MAINT  

COLE PAPERS INC       74630700                                    157.29  FAIRGROUNDS MAINT            

COMMTECH                                                                      779.06  COURTHOUSE COMMUNICATION     

COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED INC                      1666.66  SEPTEMBER 2016 SUPPORT       

COW COUNTRY EQUIPMENT                                    10380.00  CATTLE GUARDS                 

COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE                        270.32  FAIRGROUNDS MAINT            

KIRBY CRONIN                                                                  41.51  MV REFUND                    

DAKOTA DATA SHRED                                                  106.35  AUD MAINT                    

KENLEY DAY                                                                     40.00  4-H FINALS STALLING FEE RFND

WAYNE DEAL                                                                  650.65  COMMERCIAL REFUND            

LYNNE DELANO                                                            1829.20  CRT APPT ATTRNY                     

PEGGY DOUGHERTY                                                      118.52  WELFARE DISTRICT TRAINING    

MICHAEL DURICK                                                            81.30  MV REFUND                    

EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES                                                3847.04  R&B REPAIRS & MAINT/SUPPL    

ENVIROTECH                                                                   401.83  FAIRGROUNDS MAINT            

FASTENAL COMPANY                                                   326.13  R&B SUPPL                    

FASTENAL COMPANY                                                   326.13  FAIRGROUNDS REPAIR & MAINT   

FLEET SERVICES                                                           1437.94  R&B SUPPL - FUEL             

FORT PIERRE FIRE DEPT                                            13458.87  FIRE PREMIUM REFUND          

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                          195.96  CHN COPIER LEASE & COPIES    

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                        2937.30  COURTHOUSE UTILITIES

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                      76845.54  DUE TO CITY OF FORT PIERRE

FOUR CORNERS FIRE DEPTMENT                             1888.42  HAYES SHOP UTILITIES         

FOUR CORNERS FIRE DEPTMENT                             1328.56  FIRE PREMIUM REFUND          

AMY GABRIEL                                                                   40.00  MV REFUND                    

GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS                 334.04  E-911                        

GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERR                     319.73  R&B SUPPL                    

DARREN J HALL                                                                 32.00  MV REFUND                    

SIDNEY HANSON                                                               40.00  4-H FINALS STALLING FEE RFND

HUGHES COUNTY FINANCE OFFICE                        9600.00  JULY 2016 JAIL BILL          

JACKIE HUSTED                                                                98.28  4-H TRAVEL                   

DAVID IVERSEN                                                                22.60  OVERPAID TAXES               

JAGUAR LAND ROVER MINNEAPOLIS                      271.25  REFUND OVERPAID MV           

OAKLEY JANDREAU                                                      160.00  4-H FINALS STALLING FEE RFND

RONI JANKORD                                                                 40.00  4-H FINALS STALLING FEE RFND

JC OFFICE SUPPLY                                                            43.92  R&B SUPPL                     

PATRICIA JENNINGS                                                        30.00  MV REFUND                    

MARK KATTERHAGEN                                                    15.00  MENTAL ILLNESS HEARING       

DR ANNETT KAVANAUGH                                          8776.09  PROF SRVC                     

ROBERT T KONRAD                                                        494.19  CRT APPT ATTRNY                  

JEFF LARSON LAW                                                      26811.56  CRT APPT ATTRNY                     

LEIDHOLT MCNEELY & LEIDHOLT                            132.40  FAIRGROUNDS REPAIRS & MAINT  

LUCY LEWNO                                                                  150.46  MENTAL ILLNESS HEARING       

BRENDA LOUNSBURY                                                  120.00  ALCOHOL BLOOD TESTS          

LYNN'S DAKOTAMART                                                  33.09  R&B SUPPL                    

LYNN'S DAKOTAMART                                                  54.64  EXTENSION SUPPL               

THOMAS P MAHER                                                      2723.33  AUGUST 2016 EXPENSES         

GERRICK MC COMSEY                                                 135.00  MV REFUND                    

MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                                               80.00  AUD REPAIR & MAINT           

MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC                       385.00  ROD EQUIP RENTAL             

MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                         218.33  OFFICE INTERNET              

MIDLAND FIRE DEPARTMENT                                   164.24  FIRE PREMIUM REFUND          

MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                            55.44  COURTHOUSE NATURAL GAS       

MORRIS EQUIPMENT LLC                                           188.63  FAIRGROUNDS REPAIR & MAINT   

MORRIS INC                                                                   616.19  R&B REPAIR & MAINT/SUPPL     

BONNIE NICKELS                                                           55.00  WIC TRAVEL                   

NRCA                                                                             1616.90  RODEO ASSOCIATION FEES       

OAHE GLASS                                                                 672.67  COURTHOUSE REPAIR            

NOAH OLSON                                                                  20.00  SUBPOENA                     

PAT'S REPAIR                                                                303.92  R&B-CONVEYOR MOTOR REPAIR    

PAZOUR CATTLE COMPANY LLC                          1306.30  COMMERCIAL REFUND            

CITY OF PIERRE                                                            110.00  JULY 2016 MEDICAL DIRECTOR   

PITNEY BOWES                                                             398.95  POSTAGE                       

MICHELLE PODOLL                                                       40.00  4-H FINALS STALLING FEE RFND

EUGENIA I PONCA                                                         20.00  SUBPOENA                     

SHAWN PORCH                                                               40.00  4-H FINALS STALLING FEE RFND

QUILL CORPORATION                                              1153.06  EVENT SUPPLIES               

CURTIS REES III                                                             98.40  OVERPAID MV                  

ROBINS WATER CONDITIONING INC                       56.10  R&B SUPPL                    

MARLIN ROSELAND                                                     98.40  OVERPAID MV                  

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                             799.06  R&B SUPPL                    

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                           2482.09  GOV BLDG REPAIR & MAINT      

KATHERINE FLORENCE SALADA                              60.00  MV REFUND                    

ALLISON SANDLAND                                                    40.00  4-H FINALS STALLING FEE RFND

NICOLE SAYLER                                                             32.00  MV REFUND                    

STANLEY COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT          18000.00  2016 DODGE RAM 1500          

SCHAEFFER'S MFG CO                                                 392.40  R&B SUPPL                    

SCOTT SCHUYLER                                                          80.00  4-H FINALS STALLING FEE RFND


SD ASSOC OF COUNTY OFFICIALS                        1050.00  2016 SDACO FALL CONVENTION

SD ASSOC OF COUNTY OFFICIALS                          146.00  ROD M/P FUND        

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                               415.00  ALCOHOL BLOOD TESTS 

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                             2971.36  STATE SALES TAX

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                         147504.92  MV & VITALS    

SD RETIREMENT                                                        3962.78  PENALTY & INTEREST

SD RETIREMENT                                                          552.64  PENALTY          

SDRA                                                                             1969.40  RODEO ASSOCIATION FEES       

SECURITY LOCK SERVICE                                           84.00  GOV BLDG REPAIR & MAINT       

KARA SEMMLER                                                         3040.60  CRT APPT ATTRNY                     

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                                   63.32  COUNTY SHOP MAINT            

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                                 165.67  GOV BLDG SUPPL               

SHARPE RENTALS, INC.                                                20.08  MV REFUND 


SHERATON SIOUX FALLS                                        1170.00  2016 SDACO FALL CONVENTION

STANLEY COUNTY SCHOOL DIST                       36118.95  BANK FRANCHISE

STANLEY COUNTY SCHOOL DIS                         29628.23  DUE TO SC SCHOOL

STANLEY COUNTY TREASURER                               98.40  RE-LICENSING                 

KAREN SWANDA                                                           15.00  MENTAL ILLNESS HEARING       

TITAN MACHINERY                                                      77.50  R&B SUPPL                    

TITUS-WILL (FORD & TOYOTA)                               307.72  OVERPAID MV REGISTRATION     

TITZE ELECTRIC INC                                                    43.28  FAIRGROUNDS REPAIRS & MAINT  


VAN DIEST SUPPLY COMPANY                                 80.00  W&P SUPPL                     

WALMART COMMUNITY                                          295.83  FAIRGROUNDS REPAIRS & MAINT  

VERN WARD                                                                   40.00  4-H FINALS STALLING FEE RFND

MONA WEIGER                                                          1872.40  CRT RPRTR             

WHEELHOUSE PLUMBING INC                                  50.00  FAIRGROUNDS MAINT            

WW TIRE SERVICE INC                                            2223.19  R&B REPAIR & MAINT/SUPPL     

XEROX CORPORATION                                              525.57  COPIER LEASE & COPIES        

YANKTON COUNTY                                                    162.25  MENTAL ILLNESS HEARING       

YANKTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT                       50.00  SHERIFF & MILEAGE FEE        

YELLOW PAGE DIRECTORY SVS INC                     365.00  R&B ANNUAL PAYMENT           

ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                                550.49  R&B REPAIR & MAINT/SUPPL     


Auditor and Treasurer Reports: Treasurer’s report was presented to the Commissioners with the August delinquent real estate list, advance tax trust, miscellaneous receipts (grants, Register of Deeds receipts, etc.), interest report, investments, and real estate tax receipts. Auditor Philena Edwards presented the Commissioners with the July Budget Expenditure Report showing each department’s expenses as of July 31, 2016, and the Outstanding Disbursements by account & budget remaining as of September 6, 2016.


Auto Supplement: Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Scott Deal, to approve an automatic supplement to the Fairgrounds Repairs and Maintenance in the sum of $3,079.51, to reflect insurance proceeds received (CAI Claim No.GC2016086857). All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Director of Equalization – Add Omitted Property to Tax Roll: Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Sonny Harrowa, to add Drifters structure value of $589,204 to property tax roll, 2016 payable 2017. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Scott Deal, to add Record #10290 value of $47,585 to property tax roll, 2016 payable 2017. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Dennis Booth, to add Record #10289 value of $5,747 to property tax roll, 2016 payable 2017. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Motion by Scott Deal, second by Craig Heller, to add Record #10288 value of $3,559 to property tax roll, 2016 payable 2017. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Foreclosure – Stanley County (Third Party): Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Craig Heller, to receipt and acknowledge of Notice and Admission of Service of Summons, Complaint, Notice of Lis Pendens, and Notice of No Personal Claim and approve Chairman Iversen to sign, per legal counsel. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Budget: The commissioners reviewed the budget set before them. Funding for 4-H/Extension was discussed. Stanley County and Sully County have been approached for contributions, waiting for response for further funding. Stanley County will finalize the 2017 Budget Tuesday, September 27, 2016, at 5:00 P.M.


Highway Department: Lee Smith presented Commissioners with a report of all the work performed by the highway department for the month of August 2016. Morris, Inc., should start crushing gravel at the Buffalo Pit within the next week to 10 days. Bak Construction will start crushing gravel next week.


Courthouse Parking Lot – Motion by Scott Deal, second by Dennis Booth, to accept the Proposal from R & W Construction in the amount of $42,473.00. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Lee Smith will contact Utility Locate and check with the City of Fort Pierre for their availability to grind the asphalt.


Tractor Rental for 2017 – The County has rented tractors for mowing for the past few years from Grossenburg Implement. They have had to change their rental policy for tractor rentals. Lee Smith will check into this and get more information for next year’s mowing.


Weed & Pest 4-Wheeler – The 4-wheeler that is used for spraying is a 2003. It has had a lot of repairs this year, it has served its purpose. We received a quote for a new 2016. After discussion, the commissioners would like to get a couple more quotes.


Fairgrounds: Aaron Brewer reported that the 4-H Finals Rodeo went well, there were plenty stalls. Would like to set up some permanent outside stalls near the Schomer barn. Aaron received a quote for 240 galvanized stalls, will need to level the ground. The Schomer barn and the grandstands need new doors, will get a price.


Aaron has been approached about doing a bull riding event New Year’s Eve. They would like to rent the Schomer barn for the event. We will have to look into sealing the concession area and heating it for winter events.


Surplus: Motion by Scott Deal, second by Dennis Booth, to surplus 22 Comdial Edge 120 Telephones. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Raises: Motion by Craig Heller, second by Scott Deal, to approve 50¢ raise for Deputy Treasurer Susan Roshau 1 year, effective August 20, 2016. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Motion by Craig Heller, second by Scott Deal, to approve $2,000.00 salary increase for Highway Superintendent Lee Smith 1 year, effect September 28, 2016. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Upcoming Workshops: County Officials Fall Convention – September 12-13


Adjournment: Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Craig Heller, to adjourn at 7:35 P.M. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


ATTEST:                                                                     BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS


Philena Edwards, Auditor                                                  Dana Iversen, Chairman

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

