September 6, 2011




The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commission was called to order at 8:09 a.m. (CDT) by Chairman D. D. Jacobson with Dennis Booth, Marsha Davenport, Dana Iversen and Brian Scott present.  Also present were Director of Equalization Don Wiedemer, Auditor Karen Sharp, Highway Superintendent Leo Sullivan, Emergency Manager Rob Fines, States Attorney Tom Maher, Reuben Leal, Iris Melligan, Larry McQuistion, Charles Poches, Jr., Twyla Bartholemew, Rob Allison, Tiffany Sanchez, Amy Hughes, Maynard Wagner, Irv Hoyt, Cindy Meyer, Colleen Brashear, Kim Mortenson, Curt Mortenson, Jayne Parson, Dudley Rumrill and Richard Gloe, Jr.

AGENDA:  Motion by Scott, seconded by Davenport to approve the agenda.  All voted aye.  Motion Carried.

MINUTES:  Motion by Iversen, seconded by Booth, to approve the Minutes of August 2, 2011, and August 15, 2011.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT:  Sullivan reported on the county road conditions.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT:  Fines reported that he is working with the State and City of Pierre to bring in prisoners to help with the cleanup of the public areas.  There will be a crew brought in October for tree cutting.  Citizens may call Fines to get on the list.  Sandbags may be taken to a specific site if designated by the County.  Discussion was had with Frontier Road residents regarding tree removal, drainage, and progress on the road.  Citizens were asked to use common sense with using the Frontier Road. 

COLLEEN BRASHEAR:  Discussion was had with Colleen Brashear regarding her concerns with setback lines for houses.

FORT PIERRE GRASSLANDS:  Reuben Leal, District Ranger for the USDA Forest Service will review the Cooperative Forest Road Agreement and Road Project Agreement with Tom Maher.  It is hoped that the agreements will be able to be signed at the October Commission meeting.

TUCKPOINTING BIDS:  Wiedemer presented bids from Karr Tuckpointing at $15,242.00 and Mid-Continental Restoration Co., Inc., for $12,491.00, plus $586.00 to apply a sealer.  Motion by Davenport, seconded by Iversen, to accept the Mid-Continental Restoration Co., Inc., bid in the sum of $12, 491.00, plus $586.00 to apply a sealer, contingent upon 26 ga. material be used and that the work be completed within 60 days.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Motion by Booth, seconded by Scott, to go into Executive Session to consult with legal counsel at 10:15 a.m.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.  Out at 10:34 a.m. 

POOR RELIEF:  Motion by Scott, seconded by Davenport, to pay Poor Relief Case #1:   Avera Heart Hospital $5,000.00; and Case #2:  Fort Pierre Municipal Utilities $89.80.  All voted Aye.  Motion Carried.

WEST CENTRAL ELECTRIC:  Reviewed notice from West Central Electric regarding the Ludemann property.

FEMA:  Reviewed letter from FEMA presented by Wiedemer.

BACKPACK FOOD PROGRAM:  Motion by Davenport, seconded by Iversen, to donate the same amount as last year ($1,000.00) with the stipulation that said amount be credited towards Stanley County students.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

HEALTH CARE REFORM CONFERENCE:  Motion by Scott, seconded by Booth, to pay registration fee of $45.00 for Dawn Sass to attend the Health Care Reform Conference in Pierre.  All voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


Commissioners attended dedication of 2010 Representatives of Fort Pierre Business Interests and Community Leaders picture.

Discussion with Richard Gloe, Jr., of Capital Area Refuse regarding services.  Mr. Gloe will submit a proposal.

Iversen and Sullivan will negotiate with Royal Flush regarding its bill.

COURTHOUSE ENTRANCES:  Discussion with Dudley Rumrill regarding Change order from Midwest Construction.  Commissioners directed State’s Attorney and architect to write a letter to Midwest Construction regarding the matter.

FAIRGROUNDS:  Motion by Iversen, seconded by Booth, to surplus the steel frames on the old bleachers.  All voted Aye.   Motion carried.

AUDITOR’S REPORT:  Auditor Sharp presented the Commission with the Adjusting Entries listing.

BUDGET:  Reviewed provisional budget.  Next budget meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 13, 2011, at 6:30 p.m.

CLAIMS:  Motion by Booth, seconded by Davenport, to approve the regular claims amended to include Cole Paper in the sum of $ 288.40 and Combined Buildings for fairground bleachers in the sum of $41,299.00 and have Chairman Jacobson sign Waiver of Lien.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE          1143.35  JULY SUBSIDY                AT&T MOBILITY                        47.80  UTILITIES                    CHARLES ATKINS                       28.00  YEARLY LIBRARY FEES           AVERA HEART HOSPITAL               5000.00  AVERA HEART HOSPITAL
BLACK HILLS CHEMICAL & JANITOR      189.12  SUPPLIES                      LAWRENCE BURTTS                      50.00  JUDICIAL JUROR                Butler Machinery Co.                472.62  SUPPLIES                      CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC              58.00  TRASH BILLING                 CAPITAL JOURNAL                     308.26  SUBSCRIPTION/ADVERTISEMENT    CENTRAL SUPPLY SERVICES             101.56  SUPPLIES                      CENTURYLINK                         183.58  UTILITIES                     
CHEMSEARCH                          447.20  SUPPLIES                      COLE PAPERS INC.                     86.47  SUPPLIES                      COLE PAPERS INC.                    288.40  SUPPLIES                      COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED CTR.      1666.67  SEPTEMBER SUPPORT             COUNTRY CARPET & FLOORING INC      4431.00  INSTALL CARPET/LEVEL FLOOR    COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE         46.01  SUPPLIES                      Christy Lumber Co.                  136.80  SUPPLIES                      Communications Center               285.00  SUPPLIES                      DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER              364.97  SUPPLIES                      DUFFY LAW OFFICE                   1812.20  CRT APPT ATTY                 EDDIES TRUCK SALES                 3346.10  SUPPLIES                      FLEET SERVICES                    17714.79  SUPPLIES                      FORT PIERRE CITY                   2054.70  COPIER LEASE                  DONALD GARRITY                       75.90  JUDICIAL JUROR                GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS      334.04  911 SERVICES                  GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERR       71.40  SUPPLIES                      HUGHES COUNTY AUDITOR              9800.00  JULY JAIL BILLING             INLAND TRUCK PARTS CO.             2783.45  REPAIRS/MAINT.                RITA KELLER                          50.00  JUDICIAL JUROR                KLEINS OFFICE PLUS                   15.48  SUPPLIES                      Klein's Office Equipment             14.79  SUPPLIES                      LACAL EQUIPMENT INC                  43.94  SUPPLIES                      LARRY'S PLUMBING LLC                106.73  REPLACED P-TRAPS              THOMAS P MAHER                     3887.86  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES         MARSHALL & SWIFT                   1466.90  SUPPLIES                      BARBARA MCQUISTION                   64.06  JUDICIAL JUROR                MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                 180.00  SERVICE CALL/EQUIPMENT        MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC       375.00  MONTHLY RENT                  MID DAKOTA VEGETATION MNGT         9925.00  SUPPLIES                      MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION          206.70  UTILITIES                     MIDWEST COOPERATIVES                420.00  CORNERSTONE PLUS HERBICIDE    MN WIRELESS, LLC                     69.00  UTILITIES                     MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO          16.67  UTILITIES                     Noble Ink and Toner                  13.98  SUPPLIES                      
AMBER ODAY                           50.00  JUDICIAL JUROR                OVERHEAD DOOR CO. OF PIERRE         221.85  REPLACED WINDOW               DARLIS D PERRY                      180.00  BLOOD TESTS                   PIERRE CITY                         110.00  MEDICAL DIRECTOR AGREEMENT    MARY PIRRUNG                         50.00  JUDICIAL JUROR                QUILL CORPORATION                   390.94  SUPPLIES                      QWEST COMMUNICATIONS                 85.28  4 CORNERS REPEATER            MICHAEL ROTHSCHADL                  246.86  SUBPOENA                      RUNNINGS                            514.80  SUPPLIES                      RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                 229.65  SUPPLIES                      DONALD SCHAEFER                      50.00  JUDICIAL JUROR                SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION          17.40  UTILITIES                     SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE            175.00  BLOOD TESTS                   SERVALL UNIFORM & LINEN              37.10  REPAIRS/MAINT.                EMILY JANE SOVELL                  1361.29  COURT APPT ATTY               STERN OIL CO. INC.                 6044.85  SUPPLIES                      SUTLEYS TOWN & RANCH MARKET          20.25  SUPPLIES                      
Sutley's Town & Ranch                 8.57  SUPPLIES                      TITAN ACCESS ACCOUNT                 95.97  SUPPLIES                      ULTRA INC                          9587.20  SUPPORT CONTRACT              ULTRA, INC.                        1557.20  EQUIPMENT                     KEITH VAN HOUTEN                     50.00  JUDICIAL JUROR                JON VANDER MATEN                    135.00  BLOOD TESTS                   DALLAS VAVRA                         50.00  JUDICIAL JUROR                WAL-MART                             23.23  SUPPLIES                      MONA WEIGER                         459.80  COURT REPORTER                WW TIRE SERVICE, INC               2729.43  SUPPLIES                      XEROX CORPORATION                   184.24  LEASE PAYMENT                 Zander Auto Parts                   401.60  SUPPLIES 


 SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners, $3602.65; Auditor, $5321.11; Treasurer, $6046.04; States Attorney, $6889.17; Custodian, $3331.71; Director of Equalization, $6900.96; Register of Deeds, $3458.78;Road and Bridge, $34966.57; Community Health Secretary, $2662.33; WIC Secretary, $337.48; Wellmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield, employee insurance, $12878.72; SD Retirement System, withheld and match, $5929.16; SD Supplemental Retirement, employee contribution, $40.00;  Electronic Transfer, FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax, $11969.66

AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER:                                                                                             

AUGUST 2011                                                                                                                                                                       

Cash on hand  $595.15                                                                                                  

Checks, less than 3 days                $36690.26                                                                                                                                                                       

Petty Cash  $200.00                                                                                                                   

First National Bank  $2638.35                                                                                         

MKKT. ACCT. – First National Bank  $2658810.41                                                                                                       

MKKT. ACCT. – American State Bank $66143.58                                                 

SD FIT  $6006.73                                                                                                               

Total  $2771140.98                                                                                                             

REGISTER OF DEEDS:                                                                                                                           

Regular fees, August 2011  $5607.74                    

Transfer fees, August 2011  $4559.50                           


ADJOURNMENT:  Motion to adjourn by Scott, seconded by Booth.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

ATTEST:                                                BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS:

Karen K. Sharp, Auditor                       D. D. Jacobson, Chairman

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

