September 2, 2014





The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commission was called to order at 5:12 p.m. (CDT) by Chairman Scott with Commissioners Dennis Booth, Scott Deal and Dana Iversen present.  Others in attendance were Auditor Karen Sharp, State’s Attorney Tom P. Maher, Treasurer Peggy Dougherty, Emergency Management Director Rob Fines, Director of Equalization Ron Nagle, Fairgrounds Manager Brenton Crane, Highway Superintendent Kelly McCollam, Craig Heller, David Neuharth, Dawn Sass and A. J. Stoeser.  The meeting commenced with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.


AGENDA:  Motion by Harrowa, second by Deal, to approve the agenda.  All Vote Aye.  Motion Carried.


Motion by Iversen, second by Harrowa, to go into Executive Session for Personnel, SDCL 1-25-2(1) at 5:14 p.m. (CDT).  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.  Motion by Deal, second by Harrowa, to reconvene at 5:30 p.m. (CDT).  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


MINUTES:   Motion by Iversen, second by Harrowa, to approve the Minutes of August 12, 2014, with the following additions, to-wit:  Motion by Iversen, second by Harrowa to purchase tin for the Schomer Barn from the Sioux Nation quotes for $24,880.88 from insurance proceeds.  Motion by Harrowa, second by Booth, to deny Poor Relief Case #6437.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


CLAIMS:  Motion by Iversen, second by Deal, to approve the claims.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


ABC SEAMLESS                                                                                                    600. REPAIRS

TARA L ADAMSKI                                                                                             3,592.54  COURT APPT ATTORNEY                    

AIRTECH HEATING & COOLING INC                                                           140.00  REPAIRS

AT&T MOBILITY                                                                                                  144.18  CELL PHONES                  

AVERA QUEEN OF PEACE HEALTH                                              214.20  DRUG TESTING                 

BACK-NINE AERIAL                                                                                        9,799.00  WEED/PEST SUPPLIES               

BARBER CHEMICALS LLC                                                                           4,691.38  WEED/PEST SUPPLIES               

BEST LAWN CARE                                                                                                205.00  REPAIRS

BOTTOM LINE WELDING                                                                                   111.70  REPAIRS

BUTLER MACHINERY CO                                                                                  725.62  PARTS - SUPPLIES             

CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                                                               62.75  TRASH

WICK COMMUNICATIONS                                                                                 377.56  MINUTES            

CENTURYLINK                                                                                                      240.86  OFFICE PHONES                

CHRISTY LUMBER                                                                                                 262.65 REPAIRS            

COCA-COLA OF CENTRAL SD/PIERRE                                                            593.00  4TH OF JULY RODEO             

COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED, INC.                                                       1,666.66  SEPTEMBER  SUPPORT       

COUNTRY CARPET & FLOORING                                                      497.50  FLOORING

COVE PLACE ROAD DIST                                                                                  1,000.00  COVE ROAD DIST         

COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE                                                              105.10  GAS     

DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER                                                                               70.80  ROD SUPPLIES                 

PEGGY DOUGHERTY                                                                                55.50  TRAVEL DIST MTG              

EAGLE SALES COMPANY                                                                                     946.15  4TH OF JULY RODEO            

EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES                                                                           548.28  TRUCK REPAIRS & PARTS        

WADE FISCHER                                                                                                      4,465.77  CRT APPT ATTORNEY                   

FLEET SERVICES                                                                                                   1,747.16  GASOLINE                     

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                                                                    41.70  ANIMAL CONTROL               

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                                                               3,671.24  UTILITIES

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                                                              73,469.95  DUE TO CITY

FORT PIERRE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE                                                       725.82  SALES TAX           

FOUR CORNERS FIRE DEPTMENT                                                                   3,163.46  UTILITIES - HAYES SHOP       

GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS                                                         334.04  E-911                        

HUGHES COUNTY AUDITOR                                                                                8,160.00  JULY JAIL BILL          

KYLIE A HUSTED                                                                                                                 35.00   LIBRARY DUES  

INLAND TRUCK PARTS                                                                                  2,007.44  REPAIR

JC OFFICE SUPPLY                                                                                                               68.97  OFFICE SUPPLIES              

JEROME BEVERAGE INC                                                                                                92.60  MONSTER TRUCKS               

ROBERT T KONRAD                                                                                                     6,068.43  CT-APP’T. ATTORNEY                         

LYLE SIGNS  INC                                                                                                                156.81  SIGNS/MARKERS       

LYNNS DAKOTAMART                                                                                                      11.42 SUPPLIES         

THOMAS P MAHER                                                                                                         2,620.86  AUGUST  EXPENSES         

MARSHALL & SWIFT/BOECKH LLC                                                       1,950.10  DOE SUPPLIES                 

MCLEOD'S PRINTING & OFFICE SUP                                                           122.98  DOE SUPPLY                    

MERCHANTS CAPITAL RESOURCES                                                     24,713.52  LOADER PAYMENT     

MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC                                                                       375.00  ROD EQUIP LEASE              

MID DAKOTA VEGETATION MNGT                                                           7,469.70  WEED/PEST SUPPLIES               

MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                                                                           661.90  OFFICE INTERNET              

MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                                                               32.10  NATURAL GAS  

MORRIS EQUIPMENT LLC                                                                                               383.74  REPAIRS

NOBLE INK & TONER                                                                                        53.97  CARTRIDGES

DARLIS D PERRY                                                                                                                180.00  BLOOD ALCOHOL           

PITNEY BOWES INC                                                                                                          387.01  POSTAGE/SUPPLIES       

QUILL CORPORATION                                                                                       261.84  DOE SUPPLY                    

RAPID CITY REGIONAL HOSPITAL                                                                               406.00  CORONER EXPENSE                      

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                                                                                      525.35  SUPPLY  

SCHMIDT SCHROYER MORENO LEE                                                                              26.10  WELFARE TRAINING             

SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION                                                                  18.38  PHONE -BIT      

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                                                                      145.00  ALCOHOL TEST

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                                                  3,293.99  SALES TAX

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                                              143,168.61  MV & VITALS         

SD LTAP                                                                                                                   85.00  REGION 8 CONF. 

SD ASSN OF ASSESSING OFFICES                                                                                    600.00  DOE SCHOOL         

SD ASS'N OF COUNTY OFFICIALS                                                                               1,155.00  COUNTY CONF. 

SD ASS’N OF COUNTY OFFICIALS                                                                                    138.00  COUNTY ASSOC-$2   

KARA SEMMLER                                                                                                                 2,927.10  CT-APPT. ATT’Y.

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                                                                                         35.58  CLEAN RUNNERS                

SHARPE RENTALS, INC.                                                                                                       14.76  MV REFUND

STANLEY COUNTY SCHOOL DIST                                                                                27,803.50  DUE SCHOOL                   

SUTLEYS TOWN & RANCH MARKET                                                                                  13.90  SUPPLIES                     

THOMSON REUTERS - WEST                                                                                               184.75  DOE EQUIP                    

TITZE ELECTRIC INC                                                                                                             997.49  REPAIRS

ULTRA INC                                                                                                                                 250.00  ROD CONTRACT         

WENDELL LAW OFFICE PC                                                                                                1,144.45  CT. APPT. ATTY.

CAELIE WILLIAMS                                                                                                                    20.00  SUBPOENA                     

WW TIRE SERVICE INC                                                                                       1,155.94  TIRE SERVICE

XEROX CORPORATION                                                                                           215.92  COPIER

ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                                                                                             368.28 SUPPLIES


SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners--$4,134.00; Auditor--$7,704.36; Treasurer--$7,668.06; States Attorney-- $8,236.80; Custodian--$3,576.00; Director of Equalization--$10,699.14; Register of Deeds--$4,176.00; Road and Bridge,--$35,530.23; Community Health Secretary--$3,092.76; WIC Secretary--$482.04; Fairgrounds--$6,378.45; Weed/Pest--$980.76;  Employee Health Insurance--$17,922.96; SD Retirement System, withheld and match--$10,612.34; Electronic Transfer, FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax--$20,854.06.


AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER:                                                                                            

August, 2014                                                                                                                                                                            

Cash on hand --$1,207.82

Checks, less than 3 days-- $15,584.76                                                                                                                                                                               Petty Cash -- $215.00

ISF/No Account Checks--$380.55                                                                                                             

First National Bank -- $50,583.77                                                    

MKKT. ACCT. – First National Bank  $3,053,372.33                                                                                       

MKKT. ACCT. – Dakota Prairie Bank  $67,338.32                                                                    

SD FIT -- $6,011.88                                                                                                           

Total -- $3,194,694.43                                                                         


REGISTER OF DEEDS:                                                                                                                      

Regular Fees August 2014 -- $3,129.67                                                                                                                              

Transfer Fees August 2014 -- $2,427.00                  


COMPUTER PURCHASE:  Motion by Booth, second by Deal, to approve purchase of two computers by the Auditor in the sum of $2,343.00 (Deputy Computer $1,299; Election Computer $1,044), plus installation.  All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.


SURPLUS PROPERTY:  Motion by Deal, second by Booth, to declare Auditor’s Micorfix, Inc., Pentium computer serial #12389 and HP Compaq computer serial #2UB540016T, which are of no value, surplus, and authorize Microfix, Inc., to dispose of upon installation of new computers.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


Auditor and Treasurer reports were reviewed.


PROVISIONAL BUDGET – 6:00 P.M. –Time set for the purpose of considering the Provisional Budget.  Highway Superintendent presented an updated highway department budget, and Emergency Management Director Rob Fines requested three percent increase to his contract.    Motion by Booth, second by Iversen to defer further action on the budget until Wednesday, September 10, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. (CDT).  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


NEW HIRE for DOE was discussed.  Commissioners advised Director of Equalization Ron Nagle that at this time there would be no additional personnel hired for the equalization office.


EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT:  Rob Fines gave an update that the repairs to the damaged antenna will be approximately $800.  This is not covered by insurance as the tower does not sit on Stanley County property.  The insurance company will be contacted to see about getting coverage for such items.  Nothing new on grants.  Still waiting for figures for the elevator lift.


FAIRGROUNDS:  Manager Crane gave an update on upcoming events at the fairgrounds.


HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT:  Superintendent McCollam gave Commissioners a list of day-by-day activities and reviewed the same.


Fuel quotes were received as follows:  Midwest 3.179; Friman 3.189 and Don’s 3.2184.  Motion by Iversen, second by Deal, to accept the Midwest bid for 9,000 gallon.


Superintendent McCollam will be attending the Region 8 Highway meetings in Rapid City, October 22 and 23, 2014


WEED AND PEST:  Motion by Deal, second by Iversen, to appoint Cody Hostler to the Weed and Pest Board.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


Motion by Iversen, second by Deal, to go into Executive Session for Personnel, SDCL 1-25-2(1) at 7:17 p.m. (CDT).  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.  Motion by Deal, second by Harrowa, to reconvene at 7:34 p.m. (CDT).  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


DEOBLIGATION – FEMA FUNDS:  State’s Attorney Tom P. Maher gave and update on the situation.


COOLING SYSTEM:  Commissioners were advised that the air conditioner is in need of repairs or replacement.


COUNTY CONVENTION in Pierre, SD, September 15 – 17, 2014, will be attended by Commissioners Dennis Booth, Scott Deal and Sonny Harrowa; Auditor Karen Sharp; Register of Deeds Beverly Stoeser; Treasurer Peggy Dougherty; and Highway Superintendent Kelly McCollam.


Ron Nagle and James Roberts from the Equalization Office will be attending the Annual Assessors’ School in Pierre, SD, September 9 – 12, 2014.


WAK PAK SICA:  State’s Attorney Tom P. Maher will draft a letter for Chairman Scott’s signature regarding the matter.


ADJOURNMENT:  Motion by Scott, second by Harrowa, to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


ATTEST:                                                                         STANLEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS


Karen Sharp, Auditor                                                          Brian Scott, Chairman







Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

