September 20, 2013



SEPTEMBER 20, 2012

The special meeting of the Stanley County Commission was called to order at 6:38 p.m. (CDT) by Chairman Booth with Marsha Davenport, Dana Iversen, D. D. Jacobson and Brian Scott present.  Auditor Karen Sharp, Don Wiedemer and Lance Nixon were also present.

AGENDA:  Motion by Iversen, second by Scott, to approve the agenda.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

SURPLUS CASH was discussed.

CASH TRANSFER:  Motion by Scott, second by Iversen, to readdress the Motion for Cash Transfer of $55,000 for work performed by the Highway Department at the fairgrounds.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

Motion by Jacobson, second by Davenport, for Cash Transfer to Road and Bridge in the sum of $55,000.00 for work performed by the Highway Department at the Fairgrounds.  Question called by Chairman Booth.  Jacobson, Davenport and Booth voted Aye.  Scott and Iversen, voted Nay.  Question called.  Chairman Booth called for vote on Motion.  Jacobson, Davenport, and Booth, voted Aye.  Scott and Iversen, voted Nay.  Motion carried.

TREASURER’S SALARY:  Motion by Jacobson, second by Scott, to set Treasurer Dougherty’s salary at $14.90 per hour until December 31, 2012, at which time it will be revisited.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

BUDGET:  Motion by Jacobson, second by Davenport, that the Provisional Budget as amended, and all its purposes, schedules, appropriations amounts estimates and all matters therein set forth shall be Approved and Adopted as the Annual Budget of the Appropriations and Expenditures for Stanley County, South Dakota, and all its institutions and agencies for calendar year beginning January 1, 2013, and ending December 31, 2013.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

RESOLUTION 2012 – 09


Whereas, (7-21-5 thru 13), SDCL provides that the Board of County Commissioners shall each year prepare a Provisional Budget of all contemplated expenditures and revenues of the County and all its institutions and agencies for such fiscal year and,

Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners did prepare a Provisional Budget and cause same to be published by law, and

Whereas, due and legal notice has been given to the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for the consideration of such Provisional Budget and all changes, elimination’s and additions have been made thereto.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that such provisional budget as amended and all its purposes, schedules, appropriations, amounts, estimates and all matters therein set forth, SHALL BE APPROVED AND ADOPTED AS THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES FOR Stanley County, South Dakota, and all its institutions and agencies for calendar year beginning January 1, 2013, and ending December 31, 2013, and the same is hereby approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Stanley County, South Dakota, this 20th day of September 2012.

The Annual Budget so adopted is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the county auditor Stanley County, South Dakota.  The accompanying taxes are levied by Stanley County for the year January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.


/s/ Dennis Booth, Chairman                               /s/ Marsha Davenport , Commissioner

/s/ Dana Iversen, Commissioner                        /s/ Donald D. Jacobson, Commissioner

/s/ Brian Scott, Commissioner                            /s/ Karen K. Sharp, Auditor

COUNTY TAX LEVIES                                       Dollars                                                   $’s/1,000


*General County Purposes (10-12-9)                1,310,867.00                                           3.727

Courthouse, Jail, etc. Bldg. (7-25-1)       68,835.00                                           0.196

Secondary /road (Unorg.PT-76)(31-12-27)            15,338.00                                           0.068

Fire Protection (34-31-3)                                           62,983.00                                           0.279

TOTAL TAXES LEVIED BY COUNTY            1,458,023.00

*These Amounts include the 25% to be distributed to cities.

As of September 20, 2012, these levies are not approved by the Department of Revenue.


County General – 351,721,557

Secondary Road – 225,888,246

Fire – 226,426,218

Amendments are as follows:  Board of Commissioners increased 4,667.02; Contingency increased $2,000; Elections decreased $6,445.00; Judicial System decreased $1,350.00; Auditor decreased $2,079.42; Treasurer decreased $3,778.79; State’s Attorney decreased $42,272.32; Court-appointed Attorney decreased $500.00; General Government Bldg. decreased $150.01; Director of Equalization decreased $45,994.12; Register of Deeds decreased $857.99; County Jail increased 17,500.00; Coroner increased $500.00; County-wide Law Enforcement decreased $15,523.00; Support of Poor increased $1,500.00; County Nurse decreased $1,718.54; Ambulance increased $10.00; WIC decreased $276.32; Mentally Ill decreased $4,625.00; Fairgrounds increased $100.00; County Extension decreased $6,500.00;  Weed Control increased $35.00; Central SD Enhancement District increased $314.00; Payments to Local Education Agencies increased 27,900.00; Transfers Out increased $211,605.34; Courthouse Building Fund--General Government Building increased 863,000.00;  Fairgrounds increased $70,000.00; Other decreased $3,947.00;  Fire Fighting decreased $20,685.00;  Emergency Disaster decreased $890.00; Cash Balance Applied – General Fund increased $64,837.06; Road and Bridge decreased $134,052.46; Courthouse Building Fund increased 9753,099.52; Fire Fighting decreased $35,824.00; General Fund Taxes increased $54,247.00; Road and Bridge increased $90,611.00; Courthouse Building Fund increased $2,851.00; Fire Fighting increased $1,875.00; Other Revenue Road and Bridge increased $25,000.00; E-911 Fund increased $526.31; Fire Fighting increased $12,175.95; Fire Fighting $936.84.

CAT:  Motion by Iversen, second by Jacobson, that Scott tell Rick Sass to take the cat home for allergy reasons.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

ADJOURN:  Motion by Jacobson, second by Davenport, to adjourn at 7:48 p.m.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

ATTEST:                                                                      STANLEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS


Karen Sharp, Auditor                                                          Dennis Booth, Chairman

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

