October 4, 2011



OCTOBER 4, 2011

The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commission was called to order at 8:05 a.m. (CDT) by Chairman D. D. Jacobson with Dennis Booth, Marsha Davenport, Dana Iversen and Brian Scott present.  Also present were Director of Equalization DonWiedemer, Auditor Karen Sharp, Highway Superintendent Leo Sullivan, Emergency Manager Rob Fines, States Attorney Tom Maher, Reuben Leal, Iris Melign, Tiffany Sanchez, Kim Mortenson, James Wolf, Don Bergeson, Naomi Cromwell, Brad Lawrence and Merle Scheiber.

AGENDA:  Motion by Davenport, seconded by Scott, to approve the agenda.  All voted Aye.  Motion Carried.

MINUTES:  Motion by Iversen, seconded by Davenport, to approve the Minutes of September 13, 2011.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

AUDITOR AND TREASUER REPORTS were presented and reviewed.

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT:  Sullivan reported on road conditions on Frontier Road and surrounding area.  It was noted that an approach had been installed by Chris Stanley.  Chairman Jacobson will contact Mr. Stanley about the procedures to be followed.  Hayes Road is being graveled, and the work on Mission Ridge road was stopped due to trucks breaking down.

FRONTIER ROAD:  After 100 cadets came to help the weekend of October 1, 2011, things are looking much better.  At least three families are back in their homes.  At least five residents are still demucking.  There has been lots of debris and tree removal.  Wood and sandbags need to yet be cleaned up.  Residents asked for dumpsters to remain until Nov. 1st, and one port-a-potty for at least two more weeks.  There are currently two port-a-potties at Frontier Road.  Sullivan will contact Maynard Wagner and advise that the county will only be paying for one port-a-potty as previously agreed.  Rob Fines will ask Corp if they have equipment to clean up the debris pile that is currently on the Corp lot.  Situation will be reviewed again at the November meeting.

SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET HEARING:  This being the time and place set for hearing to consider supplementing the Courthouse Building Fund – Bleachers, motion by Booth, seconded by Iversen, to supplement the Courthouse Building Fund for fairground bleachers in the sum of the $45,000 for expenses incurred in 2011 that were unanticipated at the time of preparing the 2011 budget.  This budget will amend the 2011 annual budget adopted by the Commission as Resolution No. 2010-04.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

FORT PIERRE GRASSLANDS:  Reuben Leal, District Ranger for the USDA Forest Service presented Cooperative Forest Road Agreement and Road Project Agreements which were signed by the Commissioners as previously agreed,.  He advised that his budget was down, but he will try to come up with something to help fix the Knob Lock dam which is in the old highway in the grasslands.

ELECTION WORKSHOP:  Motion by Booth, seconded by Davenport, to approve Karen Sharp and Dawn Sass to attend an Election Workshop in Pierre November 16, 17 and 18, 2011.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

S & H HORSEMEN and 4-H:  James Wolf and Don Bergeson requested permission for the S & H Horsemen and 4-H members to use the Schomer Barn for practice and horse riding events.  Dr. Wolf advised that 4-H members are covered under 4-H insurance and that only 4-H members can ride with the supervision of parents and/or leaders that are covered under the insurance.  The 4-H pays electric bills provided by the Chamber.  Bergeson advised that the S & H Horsemen have insurance for their events, and that they are working on setting up a schedule.  They also pay for lights and Bergeson has done some snow removal in the past when they have had events.  States Attorney Maher will review the insurance policies, and copies are to be filed in the Auditor’s office.  Motion by Booth, seconded by Scott, to allow S & H Horsemen and 4-H members use of the Schomer Barn upon proof of insurance being filed with the Auditor’s office and a schedule of events being provided.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.  The Commissioners thanked Dr. Wolf and Mr. Bergeson for the time they spend with our youth in providing these activities.

VETERANS MEMORIAL:  After discussion, it was agreed to dedicate the Stanley County Veterans Memorial on Veterans Day November 11, 2011.   Marsha Davenport, D.D. Jacobson and Karen Sharp will try to get something put together for the dedication.

EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Motion by Davenport, seconded by Booth, to go into Executive Session for personnel, pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2(1), at 11:15 a.m.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.  Out of Executive Session at 11:48 a.m.

Chairman Jacobson declared meeting in recess until 2:00 p.m.

Meeting reconvened at 2:00 p.m.

MUTUAL AID AGREEEMENT:  County and City officials and respective attorneys met to discuss the Mutual Aid Agreement between the City of Fort Pierre and Stanley County due to emergency response situation caused by flooding beginning in May, 2011.  Either party may orally request aid, and an oral commitment may be made by an authorized representative on the part of the providing party within 24 hours to be followed up with a written agreement.  Stanley County authorized representatives are:  Commission Chairman Donald D. Jacobson, Stanley County Sheriff Brad Rathbun, and Highway Superintendent Leo Sullivan.  Authorized representatives for the City of Fort Pierre are Mayor Sam Tidball, Director of Public Works Brad Lawrence, and Finance Officer Roxanne Heezen.

Motion by Scott, seconded by Davenport, to authorize Chairman Jacobson to sign said Mutual Aid Agreement with changes as prepared by States Attorney Tom P. Maher.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT OVERTIME:  Motion by Davenport, seconded by Iversen, to authorize the highway department employees to continue working five (5) ten-hour days until the weather no longer permits, current jobs are completed, or decision to cease by the Highway Superintendent Sullivan.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

CLAIMS:  Scott, seconded by Davenport, to approve the claims as submitted, plus the motel bill of Dawn Sass in the sum of $99.63.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

Motion by Davenport, seconded by Booth, to approve the claim of Zarecky’s Midwest Construction, Inc., in the sum of $24,082.00 upon condition that all paperwork is completed before payment is made.  Booth, Davenport, Jacobson and voted Aye.  Iversen and Scott voted Nay.  Motion carried.

AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE               1,143.35  AUGUST SUBSIDY               
AT&T MOBILITY                                                45.72  UTILITIES                    
AVERA QUEEN OF PEACE - OCCUPAT           72.90  SERVICES & FEES              
BLACK HILLS CHEMICAL & JANITOR          296.83  SUPPLIES                     
BUTLES MACHINER CO.                               1,768.81  SUPPLIES                     
CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                     1,8162.50  COURTHOUSE/FRONTIER ROAD     
CAPITAL JOURNAL                                      1,191.13  ADVERTISING                   CENTURYLINK                                                  85.28  4 CORNERS REPEATER           
DENISE CODY                                                   15.00  MENTAL ILLNESS HEARING       
COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE           36.00  SUPPLIES                     
CHANDLERS GLASS & RECYLING               110.00  REPAIRS/MAINT.               
CHRISTY LUMBER CO.                                    26.95  SUPPLIES                     
DAKOTA REFRIGERATION                            105.00  REPAIRS AIR CONDITIONER      
DAWN SASS                                                      99.63  HOTEL BILLING                
DIAMOND MOWERS, INC.                             220.05  SUPPLIES                      
DONNA K DIETRICH                                      150.44  MENTAL ILLNESS HEARING       
DOCKENDORF EQUIP.                                   213.65  REPAIRS/MAINT.               
DUFFY LAW OFFICE                                      492.00  CRT APPT ATTY                 
EDDIES TRUCK SALES                                  942.51  SUPPLIES                     
WADE FISCHER                                            1,616.75  COURT APPT ATTY              
FLEET SERVICES                                          2,439.89  SUPPLIES                     
FORT PIERRE FIRE DEPT                           14,425.00  4TH QTR PAYMENT              
FORT PIERRE CITY                                      1,697.33  UTILITIES                    
FOUR CORNERS FIRE DEPTMENT             4,500.00  4TH QTR PAYMENT              
FRIMAN OIL & GAS CO.                                653.57  SUPPLIES                     
GASRITE, INC                                                  651.90  SUPPLIES                     
GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERR     1,925.67  SUPPLIES                      
HUGHES COUNTY AUDITOR                      8,000.00  AUGUST JAIL BILLING          
INLAND TRUCK PARTS CO.                          856.60  SUPPLIES                     
LURA KIRKPATRICK                                       83.30  WEED/PEST MTG.               
KNECHTS                                                          50.22  SUPPLIES                      
KRISTI KROLL                                                225.00  AUDITOR TRAINING             
THOMAS P MAHER                                     2,452.45  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES        
MCLEOD'S PRINTING & OFFICE SUP          220.87  SUPPLIES                     
MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                              130.00  SERVICE CALL                  
MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION          206.70  UTILITIES                     MISCELLANEOUS                                     2,4000.00  EQUIPMENT                    
MN WIRELESS, LLC                                        69.00  UTILITIES                    
MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO             15.00  UTILITIES                    
MORRIS, INC.                                                 270.90  SUPPLIES                     
NACCTFO TREASURER                                  60.00  2011-2012 DUES                NACO                                                               400.00  COUNTY MEMBERSHIP DUES       
DAVID NEUHARTH                                          75.90  WEED/PEST MTG.               
NOBLE INK AND TONER                                 65.99  SUPPLIES                     
DARLIS D.  PERRY                                            90.00  BLOOD TESTS                  
PIERRE CITY                                                   110.00  MEDICAL DIRECTOR AGREEMENT   
PIERRE FLOWER SHOP INC                          200.00  MEMORIALS                     
PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL                              136.95  RENTAL CHARGES               
QUILL CORPORATION                                  352.35  SUPPLIES                     
OLINGER,LOVALD & MCCAHREN PC       1,212.87  EBH - AA                     
RUNNINGS                                                      492.58  SUPPLIES                     
DAWN SASS                                                    151.86  SDACO CONFERENCE             
SCOTT FENCING & TRENCHING                  420.00  REPLACE HYDRANT              
SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION              34.98  UTILITIES                    
SD DEPART.  OF REVENUE                        2,348.65  BLOOD /ANIMAL/NURSE               
SD PUBLIC ASSURANCE ALLI.                      96.00  INSURANCE                    
SERVALL UNIFORM & LINEN                        55.65  REPAIRS/MAINT.               
KAREN K. SHARP                                           160.86  SDACO CONFERENCE             
STANLEY COUNTY LAW                           4,4984.00  4TH QTR PAYMENT              
AJ STOESER                                                       72.20  WEED/PEST MTG.               
BEVERLY STOESER                                        362.34  TRAVEL/COUNTY CONVENTION     
LINDA STROUP                                               160.86  SDACO CONFERENCE             
SUTLEYS TOWN & RANCH MARKET            18.32  SUPPLIES                     
KAREN SWANDA                                             15.00  MENTAL ILLNESS HEARING       
THE ROYAL FLUSH INC                              3,200.00  PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS      
TITAN ACCESS ACCOUNT                              33.48  SUPPLIES                      
TITAN MACHINERY                                   24,000.00  PAYMENT NEW LOADER  
TITZE ELECTRIC                                               60.20  RESTORE POWER                
ULTRA, INC                                                      800.00  CONTRACT               
WALMART COMMUNITY                                11.38  SUPPLIES                     
MONA WEIGER                                                 87.40  TRANSCRIPT                   
WW TIRE SERVICE, INC                                 584.04  SUPPLIES                      
WEGNER AUTO CO.                                         17.54  REPAIRS/MAINT.               
XEROX CORPORATION                                  142.03  COPIER LEASE                 
YANKTON COUNTY                                       103.75  MENTAL ILLNESS HEARING       
RANDY YOST                                                    72.20  WEED/PEST MTG.               
ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                   301.03  SUPPLIES                     

SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners, $3602.70; Auditor, $8695.67; Treasurer, $8332.60; States Attorney, $9561.74; Custodian, $4319.72; Director of Equalization, $9546.44; Register of Deeds, $4875.57 and Bridge, $48477.32; Community Health Secretary, $3649.73; WIC Secretary, $462.65; Wellmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield, employee insurance, $13492.77; SD Retirement System, withheld and match, $8950.42; SD Supplemental Retirement, employee contribution, $40.00;  Electronic Transfer, FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax, $17953.29                                                                                                                      

AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER:                                                                                            

September 2011                                                                                                                                                                          
Cash on Hand -- $ 1,361.69                                                                                                   

Checks, less than 3 days --  $16,175.03                                                                                                                  
 Petty Cash  $200.00                                                                          

First National Bank  $ 15,802.21                                                                                  

MKKT. ACCT. – First National Bank  $2,552,230.71                                                                                            

MKKT. ACCT. – American State Bank  $66,199/76                                                           

SD FIT--  $6,006.90                                                                              

Total  -- $2,658,032.73                                                                                         

REGISTER OF DEEDS:                                                                                                  

Regular fees, September 2011--  $2,223.20                                                                                                

Transfer fees, September 2011-- $1,030.00

ADJOURN:  Motion to adjourn by Scott, seconded by Davenport, to adjourn meeting at 3:12 p.m.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

ATTEST:                                             BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS

    Karen K. Sharp, Auditor                    D. D. Jacobson, Chairman

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

