November 13, 2014
NOVEMBER 13, 2014
The special meeting of the Stanley County Commission was called to order at 5:00 p.m. (CST), by Chairman Scott with Commissioners Dennis Booth, Scott Deal, Sonny Harrowa and Dana Iversen present. Others in attendance were Auditor Karen Sharp and Craig Heller. The meeting commenced with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
AGENDA: Motion by Deal, second by Iversen, to approve the agenda. All Voted Aye.
Motion by Harrowa, second by Deal, to recess into Executive Session for Personnel, SDCL 2-25-2(1) at 5:02 p.m. (CST). All Voted Aye. Motion Carried. Motion by Deal, second by Iversen, to reconvene at 7:24 p.m. (CST). All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
RETIREMENT RESIGNATION: Motion by Iversen, second by Deal, to accept the Retirement Resignation by Auditor Karen Sharp effective November 14, 2014. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
ACTING INTERIM AUDITOR: Motion by Deal, second by Booth, to appoint Dawn Sass as Acting Auditor on an interim basis until the position of Auditor is filled, with hourly salary increase equal to the Auditor pay. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
TEMPORARY TREASURER HELP: Motion by Iversen, second by Harrowa to approve the Treasurerr to hire temporary help if need not to exceed current deputy salary. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
ADVERTISE FOR COUNTY AUDITOR: Motion by Booth, second by Deal, to approve Chuck Humphrey to advertise the position of County Auditor.
ADJOURN: Motion by Booth, second by Deal, to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. (CST). All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.
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Karen Sharp, Auditor Brian Scott, Chairman