June 6, 2017



June 6, 2017


The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commission was called to order at 5:08 P.M.(CST) by Chairman Dana Iversen with Commissioners Dennis Booth, Scott Deal, Craig Heller and Sonny Harrowa present. Also present were State’s Attorney Tom P. Maher, Treasurer Peggy Dougherty, Director of Equalization Roger Fuller, Highway Superintendent Lee Smith, Fairgrounds Aaron Brewer, County Health Nurse Carmella Bourk, Extension/4-H Jackie Husted, Amy Mesman, SDML WC Fund Brad Wilson, Emergency Management Rob Fines, Grow SD Jared Groos, Stanley County School Superintendent Dr. Joel Price and Business Manager Kim Fischer, Deb Schiefelbein, PAWS Brenda Manning, David Voeltz, RDO Wade Iszler, CSDED Emeline Hoblick and Tanner Russel, Capitol Journal Kylee Whitehill, and Auditor Philena Edwards. The meeting commenced with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.


AGENDA: Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Scott Deal, to approve the Agenda. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


MINUTES:  Motion by Scott Deal, second by Sonny Harrowa, to approve May 2, 2017, Minutes. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.


CLAIMS:  Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Craig, to approve Claims as presented. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.


AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE INC                               1237.50  MAY 2017 BILLING             

LAINA ANDERSON                                                                     80.00  MV REFUND                    

AT&T MOBILITY                                                                       112.70  CELL PHONES                  

AVERA MED GRP PIERRE                                                       957.00  MEDICAL CARE                 

AVERA ST MARYS HOSPITAL                                             4458.66  MEDICAL CARE                 

BOTTOM LINE WELDING                                                      240.00  FAIRGROUNDS REPAIRS & MAINT  

MAVIS BOYER                                                                           52.00  OVERPAID TAXES                

PAIGE RAE BRAMBLEE                                                           96.00  MV REFUND                    

MARCIA BREVIK                                                                     207.33  CRT APPT ATTRNY              

AARON BREWER                                                                700.81  FAIRGROUNDS HEALTH INSURANCE 

BUTLER MACHINERY CO                                               1149.37  R&B SUPPL                    

CAPITAL AREA COUNSELING INC                               2164.42  QMHP                         

CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                             63.75  TRASH BILLING 4/24-5/28      

WICK COMMUNICATIONS                                                637.04  NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION       

CENTURYLINK                                                                      85.28  4 CORNERS REPEATER           

CENTURYLINK                                                                    241.31  OFFICE PHONES                

CHANDLERS INC AUTOGLASS/RECYCL                       235.37  R&B REPAIRS                  

CHRISTY LUMBER                                                                24.39  FAIRGROUNDS REPAIRS & MAINT  

WILL CLARK ELECTRICAL INC                                     2910.26  FAIRGROUNDS REPAIRS & MAINT  

COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED INC                         1666.67  JUNE 2017 MONTHLY SUPPORT

COVE PLACE ROAD DISTRICT                                         500.00  COVE ROAD DIST   

COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE                              98.57  SUPPL                        

DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER                                             64.70  ROD SUPPL                    

DAKOTA DATA SHRED                                                     109.95  AUD MAINT                    

DAKOTA SPRINKLER & LANDSCAPING                         63.90  LOG CABIN REPAIRS            

DCFS USA LLC                                                                24784.81  2014 FREIGHTLINER TRUCK 

WAYNE DEAL                                                                 13125.00  GRAVEL HAULING     

DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLE                                        10.00  W&P 4-WHEELER                

DON'S SINCLAIR                                                              1421.31  R&B OFF ROAD DIESEL          

PEGGY DOUGHERTY                                                        890.14  TREASURER SUPPL              

ECONO SIGNS LLC                                                            697.41  ROAD SIGNS                   

EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES                                                  1204.70  R&B REPAIRS & MAINT          

PHILENA EDWARDS                                                           42.29  FAIRGROUNDS SUPPL            

WADE FISCHER                                                                 415.16  CRT APPT ATTRNY                   

FLEET SERVICES                                                             1271.43  R&B FUEL                      

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                             51.75  CHN COPIER LEASE & COPIES    

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                         3823.01  COUNTY SHOP UTILITIES

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                     382185.90  DUE TO CITY OF FORT PIERRE       

FRIMAN OIL & GAS CO INC                                        14560.00  R&B DYED #2                  

ROGER A FULLER                                                             879.49  DOE HEALTH INSURANCE         

GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS                  334.04  E-911                        

GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERR                      640.41  R&B SUPPL                     

HOGEN'S HARDWARE HANK                                          74.40  GOV BLDG SUPP/REPAIRS & MAINT

KATIE J HRUSKA                                                           1802.20  CRT APPT ATTRNY                     

HUGHES COUNTY FINANCE OFFICE                      10090.00  APRIL 2017 JAIL BILL         

TAYLOR HUGHES                                                             91.00  MV REFUND                    

JACKIE HUSTED                                                                90.52  EXTENSION/4-H TRAVEL         

ANNIS IVERSEN                                                               405.55  PROPERTY TAX REFUND          

JC OFFICE SUPPLIES                                                         68.22  FAIRGROUNDS SUPPL            

JEFF LARSON LAW LLP                                               3999.22  CRT APPT ATTRNY                     

JIM HAWK TRUCK TRAILERS INC                            5204.93  R&B TRUCK TARPS              

KALEN JIMENEZ                                                               20.00  SUBPOENA                      

MARK KATTERHAGEN                                                   43.50  MENTAL ILLNESS               

KCH LAW                                                                         283.51  MENTAL ILLNESS               

ROBERT T KONRAD                                                      931.33  CRT APPT ATTRNY                  

MALCOLM LA POINTE                                                   20.00  SUBPOENA                     

LAWSON PRODUCTS INC                                            250.45  R&B SUPPL                    

LEWIS & CLARK BHS                                                   160.00  MENTAL ILLNESS               

LUCY LEWNO                                                                341.42  MENTAL ILLNESS               

LYNN'S DAKOTAMART                                                   8.08  R&B SUPPL                    

THOMAS P MAHER                                                     2729.41  MAY 2017 EXPENSES            

MARSHALL & SWIFT/BOECKH LLC                       1839.95  COMMERCIAL AG                

CURT MERRIMAN PRINTING                                     189.00  4TH OF JULY                  

MICHAEL TODD & COMPANY INC                           516.75  R&B SIGNS                    

MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC                      750.00  ROD EQUIP RENTAL             

MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                        255.73  EXTENSION INTERNET           


MONICK PIPE & SUPPLY INC                                       30.08  GOV BLDG REPAIRS & MAINT     

MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                           97.95  COUNTY SHOP NATURAL GAS      

MORENO LEE & BACHAND PC                                    47.00  MENTAL ILLNESS BOARD         

NAPA                                                                                 77.28  R&B SUPPL                    

NORTHWEST PIPE FITTINGS INC                               43.66  FAIRGROUNDS REPAIRS & MAINT  

OVERHEAD DOOR CO OF PIERRE                            130.10  FAIRGROUNDS REPAIRS & MAINT  

DARLIS D PERRY                                                         480.00  ALCOHOL BLOOD TESTS          

PETERSEN MOTORS INC                                              26.93  W&P 4-WHEELER                

PITNEY BOWES                                                            285.55  POSTAGE  

PITNEY BOWES                                                            208.65  POSTAGE                   

RDO EQUIPMENT COMPANY                                   828.72  R&B REPAIRS & MAINT          

RITER ROGERS WATTIER &                                   1137.50  WAR CREEK ROAD               

RIVER CITIES TRANSIT                                         18500.00  2017 ANNUAL SUPPORT          

ROBINS WATER CONDITIONING INC                      12.00  R&B SUPPL                    

MARLIN ROSELAND                                                    98.40  MV REFUND                    

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                           929.34  FAIRGROUNDS REPAIRS & MAINT  

BRAD A SCHREIBER                                                 171.74  CRT APPT ATTRNY                

SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION                        89.75  OFFICE PHONES-BIT            

SOUTH DAKOTA                                                         60.00  MENTAL ILLNESS               

SD DEPT OF LEGISLATIVE AUDITS                 20030.60  2014-2015 STATE AUDIT

SD DEPT OF REVENUE                                        77581.05  MV & VITALS       

SD FEDERAL PROPERTY AGENCY                     2025.00  R&B EQUIPMENT                


SD ASSN OF COUNTY OFFICIALS                        110.00  ROD M/P FUND  

SD PUBLIC ASSURANCE ALLIANCE                   222.93  TRACTOR INSURANCE            

KARA SEMMLER                                                   3610.10  CRT APPT ATTRNY                    

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                             70.78  R&B MAINT

STANLEY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT    1207825.79  DUE TO SC SCHOOL                   

CASSIE STOESER                                                      35.00  ANNUAL LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP    

KAREN SWANDA                                                      43.50  MENTAL ILLNESS               

US POSTAL SERVICE                                             216.00  POST OFFICE BOX SERVICE FEE  

VAN DIEST SUPPLY COMPANY                        8300.15  W&P SUPPL                    

WALMART COMMUNITY                                       28.93  R&B SUPPL                    

WW TIRE SERVICE INC                                      2238.36  BACKHOE                      

XEROX CORPORATION                                        134.69  COPIER LEASE                 

YANKTON COUNTY                                              209.30  MENTAL ILLNESS HEARING       

YANKTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT               100.00  MENTAL ILLNESS               

ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                          189.97  R&B SUPPL                    


Auditor’s Account with the Treasurer:

May 2017

Cash on hand – $832.51

Checks, less than 3 days - $11,969.44

Postage - $100.00

Petty Cash - $215.00

First National Bank - $73,344.90

MKKT Account – First National Bank - $4,482,139.20

MKKT Account – Dakota Prairie Bank - $68,881.72

SD FIT - $6,017.44

Total - $4,557,038.36


Register of Deeds:

Regular Fees May 2017 - $2,003.51

Transfer Fees May 2017 - $702.00


Treasurer and Auditor Report: Treasurer Peggy Dougherty presented the Commissioners with the May bank statement and daily cash, delinquent real estate and mobile home taxes paid, tax trust, miscellaneous receipts (Grants, Register of Deeds receipts, etc.), investments and Money Market reports. Auditor Philena Edwards presented the Commissioners with the April Budget Expenditure Report showing each department’s expenses as of April 30, 2017, the Fiscal Revenue Report as of April 30, 2017, and the Outstanding Disbursements by account & budget remaining as of June 6, 2017.


SDML WC Fund: Stanley County has been honored for its 30 year membership in the SDML Workers’ Compensation Fund. The Fund is celebrating its 30 Year Anniversary by recognizing long-term loyal members with a plaque presented to by SDML Workers’ Compensation Fund Administrator, Brad Wilson. Brad presented the plaque to the Commissioners and thanked them for their long-term commitment with the program.


Emergency Management – Drought Disaster Declaration: Rob Fines stated that we are all aware of the drought. Stanley County needs to get a declaration in place. The NWS is predicting above average temperatures with low chance of precipitation.


Grow South Dakota: Jared Groos thanked the Commissioners for their continued support. Grow South Dakota invested $216,613 in Stanley County with weatherization and furnace repair, emergency assistance and small business lending in 2016. They provide many different programs such as housing counseling navigator to help individuals find the right health insurance, guidance and expertise to implementing planning for home ownership and improvements, just to name a few services they provide.


Stanley County School – PILT: Kim Fischer presented the Commissioners with the definition of U.S. Department of the Interior Payment in Lieu of Taxes. PILT are Federal payments to local governments that help offset losses in property taxes due to non-taxable Federal lands within their boundaries. PILT payments help local governments carry out such vital services as firefighting and police protection, construction of public schools and roads, and search-and-rescue operations. Kim asked the Commissioners to please consider the school when figuring the 2018 budget. Dr. Joel Price stated that there never seems to be enough funds to go around.


Director of Equalization – Add Omitted Property: Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Dennis Booth, to add Record #10479, omitted property to the tax roll 2016 pay 2017. Total taxable valuation of $12,460, total tax due $210.64. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


County Health Nurse – Quarterly Report: Carmella Bourk presented the Commissioners with the Community Health Nursing Quarterly Statistics. This report includes assessments for blood pressure checks, immunizations, vision, hearing, dental, and health, WIC Certifications and caseload issued vouchers, secondary nutrition counseling, and Reach Out & Read Books. Carmella held a DTAP and meningococcal clinic at the school in March. One day a month, Carmella travels to Kadoka/Jackson County to work and she has presented Growing Up classes at the school. WIC is eliminating the vouchers and replacing them with e-cards.


4-H: Amy Mesman presented the Commissioners with 4-H report. Total enrollment for the 2016-2017 4-H year is 284; 142 from Hughes County; 81 from Stanley County; and 61 from Sully County. 4-H has been busy with junior livestock shows, family & consumer science show, fundraisers, recognition events, horse judging, archery, Ag field day, tri-state horse show, market beef weigh-ins, horse safety, dog projects, shooting sports events, sheep, swine and goat weigh-ins and more.


Amy feels the transaction of having an Extension Director to just having an administrative assistant has been smooth, Jackie Husted has been doing very well and keeping very busy. 4-H is putting in for a Grant to help with programs for the kids. Amy thanked the Commissioners for their continued support of the 4-H program.


Log Cabin: Deb Schiefelbein had a group of over 70 people from the Retired Teacher Association tour the old school. The log cabin, school and train depot are open and ready for the season. The log cabins’ new roof is complete and it looks nice. Blackburn Basement has fixed the basement. They discovered some broken sprinkler pipes and Dakota Landscaping is working on fixing them. Rocky Curtis will replace the windows in July 2017. Deb has submitted a Grant to save the old jail. The Commissioners thanked Deb for all her hard work and dedication, the area around the log cabin looks very nice.


PAWS – Stray Animal Ordinance: Brenda Manning would like to see Stanley County adopt an ordinance for stray animals. As to date, there isn’t a policy or ordinance for what to do with stray animals within the County. Brenda presented the Commissioners with a proposed ordinance for animal control. Tom P. Maher will review it, do some research, and will work with law enforcement and Brenda.


RDO – John Deere Motor Grader: Wade Iszler presented the Commissioners with a Minnesota bid for a 2017 John Deere 772 GP Motor Grader. It comes with an 84 months, 7500 hour warranty. Includes snow wing, rear-view camera is optional. The Minnesota bid is set to expire September 2017, if we are interested in this bid, the motor grader will not be ready for delivery for 5 months.


Fairgrounds:  Aaron Brewer informed the Commissioners that the Casey Tibbs Match of Champions went well. Need to get better handicap signage and build a ramp on the north side of the bleacher. Aaron has sprayed all the weeds, except around the track, he plans to weed eat next week.


Troy Ventura would like to rent the fairgrounds for the Indian Rodeo June 17, 2017, the finals this fall, and possibly make it an annual event. They asked if the County could help with prize monies. The Commissioners agreed to $2,500.00, with the stipulation that the County gets all the concession and ½ the gate until the County makes back $2,500.00.


Aaron has spoken to Fresh Start Convenience Store in Fort Pierre about doing the concessions for little events. They will do the beer and food concessions, the County will get 20% of gross income. Fresh Start will bring in their own equipment and take care of everything. Aaron also suggested that since there are 4 windows in the food concession area, there could be 4 different food vendors. Commissioner Harrowa stated that the electrical will need to be updated and brought up to code before any extra equipment can be used. Aaron will contact an electrician.


Chairman Iversen asked about sponsors for the 4th of July Rodeo. Aaron stated he has been around town, handed out more brochures and he has some out-of-town people to call. Things are tight with all that is going on in the community. He has 80 more calls to make. Aaron’s goal is to get $20,000.00 in sponsorships, then he is done.


Central SD Enhancement District – County Site Analysis Program: Emeline Hoblick presented a PowerPoint showing locations that would accommodate concentrated animal feeding operations development (CAFO) or agriculturally-related commercial/industrial development (AID) in Stanley County. The analysis does not make claim that identified sites are the only sites for development in the county. The analysis identified potential sites that met very specific criteria. The purpose for the analysis is to identify where the best place for CAFO and AID development could occur within a county that met local development controls and also had adequate infrastructure. The methodology is the proximity to three-phase electricity supply, rural water system, rural residences and communities, and rail, capacity of rural water system, existing zoning districts and buildable parcel. This is the only database built in the state based on parcel, electricity, rural water, road and zoning data. It has the ability to do in-depth query analysis and to contact landowners. Siting of CAFO/AID facilities, counties use GIS database to verify a potential site and to respond to GOED RFP request.


Stanley County has 34 good sites for low water CAFO and 15 good sites for high water CAFO. There are 4 good sites for low water AID and 4 good sites for high water AID.


Motion by Scott Deal, second by Sonny Harrowa, to accept and approve Chairman Iversen to sign the 2018 Joint Cooperative Agreement between Central South Dakota Enhancement District and Stanley County. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Highway Department:  Lee Smith stated that the highway department has been hauling a lot of gravel. They have been laying gravel on north Hayes road, all the way to Mission Ridge, all the gravel at Fravels pit has been used up. Gravel has been laid on County Line Road and War Creek Road, they are hauling out of the Stroup pit. Lee’s plan is to gravel one full section of the county roads before moving to the next section.


Lee and Commissioner Harrowa will look at a section in the SW corner of the county for possible Hoary Cress. The county has had it under control, but some landowners believe they have discovered some. Lee needs to contact the railroad to make sure they are spraying for weeds.


Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Scott Deal, to approve new hire of Keva Briggs, Highway Administrative Assistant, at $14.50 per hour, plus benefits, with 50¢ wage increase at 6 months, 12 months and 18 months, with supervisor approval, plus any cost of living increase approved by Commissioners for all county employees. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


American Legion Post 20 Raffle: Motion by Craig Heller, second by Scott Deal, to approve American Legion Post 20 to conduct a raffle. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


WIC Contract: Motion by Dennis Booth, second by Craig Heller, to accept and approve Chairman Iversen to sign the 2018 WIC Contract. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Executive Session – Personnel – SDCL 1-25-2(1): Motion by Sonny Harrowa, second by Scott Deal, to go into Executive Session-Personnel-SDCL 1-25-2(1) at 7:31 P.M. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Motion by Craig Heller, second by Scott Deal, to reconvene at 7:57 P.M. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.


Upcoming Workshops: SDACO Budget Training in June; Oahe District Meeting in July

Adjournment: Motion by Craig Heller, second by Sonny Harrowa, to adjourn at 7:58 P.M. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.



ATTEST:                                                         BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS


Philena Edwards, Auditor                                            Dana Iversen, Chairman

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

