June 11, 2012

JUNE 11, 2012

The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commissioners was called to order at 8:05 a.m. (CDT) by Chairman Dennis Booth with Commissioners Marsha Davenport, Dana Iversen, D. D. Jacobson and Brian Scott present.  Emergency Management Director Rob Fines, State’s Attorney Tom P. Maher, Treasurer Sonny Harrowa, Highway Superintendent Leo Sullivan, Director of Equalization Don Wiedemer, Auditor Karen Sharp, Vern Armstrong, Rick Riggle, and City of Fort Pierre Mayor Sam Tidball, Trevor Swanson and Kris Jacobson, SD Ass’n. County Commissioners Assistant Director, were also present.

AGENDA:  Motion by Davenport, second by Iversen, to approve the agenda.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

MINUTES:  Motion by Iversen, second by Scott. To approve the minutes of May 1, 2012.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

CLAIMS:  Motion by Jacobson, second by Scott, to approve the claims as presented.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

AL'S METAL WORK, INC.                                                   220.73  PARTS FOR PACKER              AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE INC.                          1,364.02  APRIL SUBSIDY 2012           
AT&T MOBILITY                                                                   96.28  CELL PHONE                   
AVERA QUEEN OF PEACE HEALTH                                 273.70  DRUG TESTING                  
BACKROADS ENTERPRISES                                              533.96  SHOP TOWELS                  
BROWN & SAENGER                                                           363.01  2012 PRECINCT SUPPLIES        BUREAU OF PERSONNEL                                                     84.00  APRIL 2012 TRAINING           
BUTLER MACHINERY CO                                                      6.24  FILTER G7A                   
SHARON CALDWELL                                                           172.81  ELECTION BOARD                CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                                79.00  TRASH BILLING                
CAPITAL JOURNAL                                                              219.94  ADVERTISING                  
CAPITAL JOURNAL                                                              264.95  ADVERTISING                   CARQUEST AUTO PARTS                                                    394.10  PARTS FOR PACKER              CENTRAL CULVERT SUPPLY                                          1,897.40  PIPE FOR BENTLEY ROAD         CENTURYLINK                                                                    321.69  4 CORNERS REPEATER/UTILITIES  CHEMSEARCH                                                                       25.18  SUPPLIES                     
CLINICAL LABORATORY OF THE BH                            1,957.00  AUTOPSY FOR AA               
DARYL COLE                                                                       157.90  TROUBLE SHOOTER               COMMTECH                                                                         109.14  REPLACE HANDSET               COMMTECH                                                                           70.00  PHONE ASSISTANCE              COMMUNICATIONS CENTER,INC                                     157.87  INSTALL RADIO NEW BLADE       COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED CTR.                        1,666.66  JUNE SUPPORT                 
COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE                               90.38  SUPPLIES                     
COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE                               45.00  SUPPLIES                     
DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER                                              85.98  SUPPLIES                     
DAKOTA LAMINATING                                                      101.43  LAMINATING ELECTION MAPS      PATRICIA A DONELAN                                                      183.28  ELECTION BOARD               
DS SOLUTIONS INC                                                             300.00  TEST DECK                    
DUFFY LAW OFFICE                                                            549.40  COURT APPT ATTY              
BETH DUTT                                                                            75.00  SDAAO CONFERENCE              EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES                                                       800.42  PARTS & REPAIRS              
SALLY EHLERS                                                                    153.63  ELECTION BOARD                ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE                                  482.27  ELECTION BALLOTS              FACTOR 360                                                                          350.00  ANNUAL WEB SITE HOSTING       WADE FISCHER                                                                 3,050.72  KH - CB - TLT                 
FLEET SERVICES                                                             19,674.85  DYED FUEL & GAS              
FORT PIERRE FIRE DEPT                                                 7,500.00  2012 NEW TRUCK EQUIPMENT      FORT PIERRE CITY                                                           1,362.64  COPIER LEASE/UTILITIES        
LARRY GIDDINGS                                                               137.40  ELECTION BOARD                GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS                        334.04  911 SERVICE                  
CARRIE J GONSOR                                                            1,489.49  CRT APPT ATTY - LW            GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERR                            255.15  PARTS & SUPPLIES              DARLENE HARRIS                                                               132.85  ELECTION BOARD                HOGEN'S HARDWARE HANK                                               21.90  SUPPLIES                     
HOLIDAY INN CITY CENTRE SF                                         231.00  DOE CONVENTION                HUGHES COUNTY AUDITOR                                          14,140.00  ADVERTISING/JAIL BILL         HUGHES COUNTY AUDITOR                                          13,440.00  MAY JAIL BILLING 2012         INLAND TRUCK PARTS                                                    5,284.89  CLUTCH  -- TRUCK REPAIR
BELLE JACOBSEN                                                                118.30  ELECTION BOARD               
MARY JORGENSON                                                              128.30  ELECTION BOARD                LAVONNE KELLY                                                                141.95  ELECTION BOARD               
LURA KIRKPATRICK                                                           217.65  ELECTION BOARD/SUPT.
KLEINS OFFICE PLUS                                                              8.35  OFFICE SUPPLIES              
KLEINS OFFICE PLUS                                                           176.98  SUPPLIES                     
LARRY'S PLUMBING LLC                                                 1,254.53  STANLEY CNTY FAIRGROUNDS      LAWSON PRODUCTS INC                                                     83.93  SAFETY GLASSES - SHOP         LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC                                              151.96  SHOP PARTS                   
THOMAS P MAHER                                                           2,773.06  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES         MARC                                                                                    202.05  WEED KILLER                  
AUDREY MATHEWS                                                           174.29  ELECTION BOARD               
GAYLE MERSCHEIM                                                            131.95  ELECTION BOARD               
MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                                                     140.00  SERVICE CALL                  MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC                                 375.00  EQUIP MONTHLY RENT            
MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                                  217.30  UTILITIES                    
NANCY JO MIKKELSEN                                                        128.30  ELECTION BOARD SUPT.
MN WIRELESS LLC                                                                138.00  INTERNET                     
MONICK PIPE & SUPPLY, INC                                               58.05  SUPPLIES                     
MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                                     14.50  UTILITIES                    
NOBLE INK & TONER                                                             25.98  HP INK FOR PRINTER           
LORI NORMAN                                                                      160.45  ELECTION BOARD                DARLIS D PERRY                                                                  225.00  BLOOD TESTS                   PETERSEN MOTORS INC                                                       25.70  SUPPLIES                     
PIERRE CITY                                                                         110.00  MEDICAL DIRECTOR AGRMNT    PRYNTCOMM                                                                       102.75  STAMPS                       
QUILL CORPORATION                                                        593.69  SUPPLIES                     
QUILL CORPORATION                                                         25.49  SUPPLIES                     
REEDE'S LAWN & SNOW                                                      80.00  SNOW REMOVAL                  OLINGER,LOVALD & MCCAHREN PC                             2,106.74  TRB-JR-LM/V-JZ-CS            
ROBINS WATER CONDITIONING INC                                  51.00  YEARLY SERVICE CALL           MARK ROWEN                                                                      403.64  SHELVING - MENARDS            RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                                    1,051.31  PARTS & SUPPLIES              RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                                        41.98  SUPPLIES                     
NICOLE SCHWINLER                                                             20.48  ELECTION BOARD - TABULATOR    SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION                                     17.35  UTILITIES                    
SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION                                     18.03  MAY BILLING                  
SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                        157.00  BLOOD TESTS                  
SD HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT ASSN                            30.00  REGISTRATION FEE SUMMER MTG   SD PUBLIC ASSURANCE ALLIANCE                                 136.00  2012 JD MOTOR GRADER          SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                                            30.42  CLEAN RUNNERS                 SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                                            85.00  SUPPLIES                     
SHANE'S PHARMACY                                                            66.25  MEDICATION/JAIL               SHANE'S PHARMACY                                                              6.09  MEDICAL CARE - JAIL          
SIOUX NATION OF FT PIERRE                                               18.75  SUPPLIES                     
SMALL ENGINE HOUSE                                                         371.44  MOWER REPAIRS                 BEVERLY STOESER                                                                 18.20  ELECTION - RESOLUTION BRD     SUTLEYS TOWN & RANCH MARKET                                     7.18  SUPPLIES                     
SUTLEYS TOWN & RANCH MARKET                                     4.50  SUPPLIES                     
PEGGY A TIBBS                                                                      189.16  ELECTION BOARD                ULTRA INC                                                                           5,829.50  SOFTWARE UPGRADE             
US POSTAL SERVICE                                                             172.00  ANNUAL BOX FEE                DELRUE USEFUL HEART                                                        20.00  SUBPOENA                     
VAN DIEST SUPPLY COMPANY                                        5,494.80  SUPPLIES                     
JANET WALDRON                                                                  175.88  ELECTION BOARD                WALMART COMMUNITY                                                        13.50  SUPPLIES                     
LETA WISE SPIRIT                                                                    20.00  SUBPOENA                     
WW TIRE SERVICE INC                                                        2,549.75  TIRE SERVICE & NEW TIRES      WW TIRE SERVICE INC                                                          517.00  ROAD RIDER ST 10PLY TL        XEROX CORPORATION                                                          187.91  COPIER LEASE/COPIES           XEROX CORPORATION                                                           153.95  COPIER LEASE/COPIES           ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                                            113.79  PARTS - SUPPLIES              ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                                            145.32  WEED/PEST SUPPLIES           

SCHOLARSHIP:  Motion by Scott, second by Davenport, to recognize Trevor Swanson as a $500 scholarship recipient from the SD County Commissioners Association.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

TREASURER AND AUDITOR REPORTS were received and reviewed by the Commissioners.  Motion by Davenport, second by Jacobson, to approve the same.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners, $3,975.90; Auditor, $5,738.32; Treasurer, $5,329.93; States Attorney, $5,806.53; Custodian, $2,563.12; Director of Equalization, $2,549.40; Register of Deeds, $2,977.47; Road and Bridge, $30,641.79; Community Health Secretary, $2,181.92; WIC Secretary, $276.56; Wellmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield, employee insurance, $12,884.12; SD Retirement System, withheld and match, $5,781.70; SD Supplemental Retirement, employee contribution, $1,770.00;  Electronic Transfer, FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax, $11,661.79.

AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER:                                                                                            

May, 2012                                                                                                                                                           

Cash on hand  $742.90

Checks, less than 3 days    $12,860.43                                                                                                                                                           Petty Cash  $200.00                                                                                                                        

First National Bank  $51,584.18                                                           

MKKT. ACCT. – First National Bank  $3,361,890.47                                                                                            

MKKT. ACCT. – American State Bank  $66,481.10                                                                       

SD FIT  $6,008.09                                                                                                

Total  $3,449.767.17                                                                

REGISTER OF DEEDS:                                                                                                                         

Regular fees, May, 2012 --  $1,232.21                                                                                                                                    

Transfer fees, May, 2012 --  $490.00                 

AUTO SUPPLMENT:  Motion by Davenport, second by Jacobson, to approve automatic supplement to the Emergency Management Fund in the sum of $3,567.60 to reflect grant monies received in May, 2012.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT:  Superintendent Sullivan and Commissioners discussed gravel hauling and road conditions throughout the county.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT:  Fines reported on the hail damage from the previous weekend’s storm; he will be attending a Homeland Security Grand meeting later in June.  He advised that there is only approximately $147,000 to be split between 15 counties, and 25% of the project needs to go toward a law enforcement project.  Fines also discussed changes needed for the south entrance and completion of the security project.

TREE PLANTING:  Vern Armstrong and Rick Riggle appeared to advise the Commissioners that Armstrong had planted some trees and that some may be in a section line.  Riggle advised that he as adjoining neighbor he had no problem with it as the section line is not used for a road.  Motion by Scott, second by Davenport, to refer the matter to State’s Attorney Maher to draft a variance to remove trees if the section line is needed in the future.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

ELECTION CANVASS:  Upon review of the canvass, motion by Davenport, second by Jacobson, to approve the canvass for the Primary Election of June 5, 2012.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

MALT BEVERAGE LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS:  Motion by Scott, second by Jacobson, to approve the malt beverage liquor license renewals for Chantier Creek Resort and Oahe Marina & Resort.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

AMBULANCE:  Booth reviewed ambulance proposals and asked for authorization for the committee to proceed with negotiations on a final contract with AMR.  Motion by Jacobson, second by Scott, to authorize the ambulance committee to proceed with negotiations on a final contract with AMR.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

FAIRGROUNDS VOLUNTEERS:  Motion by Davenport, second by Jacobson, to recognize Brian Scoo\tt, Dana Iversen and Soren Iversen as volunteers for the Stanley County Fairgrounds Project for May 2012, and it is the intent of the Stanley County Commission to provide workmen’s compensation coverage for these volunteers.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.  It was suggested that volunteers not operate any of highway equipment.

FAIRGROUNDS:  Discussion was had regarding the FEMA funds received.  It was suggested that Fort Pierre Economic Development be asked to come to the next meeting with further documentation as to how monies were expended.  Motion by Scott, second by Davenport, to table until further documentation and before giving any funds to the City of Fort Pierre and/or Economic Development.  Davenport, Iversen, Scott and Booth voting Aye.  Jacobson voted Nay.  Motion carried.

Discussion was had regarding the fairgrounds lease with SD Game, Fish & Parks.  Iversen and State’s Attorney Maher will work on a bare bones 99-year lease and bring back to the Commissioners.

APPOINTMENT OF 4-H ACHIEVEMENT DAYS BOARD:  Motion by Jacobson, second by Scott, for the following appointments to the 4-H Achievement Days Board, to-wit:  Carson Carlisle – 12/31/2012; David Larson – 12/31/2-13; Dana Iversen – 12/31/2013; Nicole Prince 12-/13/2014.  All voted Aye.  Motion Carried.

OAHE DISTRICT MEETING:  July 10, 2012, was set as the date for the Oahe District Meeting to be hosted by Stanley County.  Suggestions for possible speakers were Bob Wilcox and District 24 legislators.  Auditor Sharp and Register of Deeds Stoeser were asked to set up the meeting.

BUDGET MEETING:  June 26, 2012, at 8:00 a.m. (CDT) was set for a meeting for the 2013 budget.

EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Motion by Jacobson, second by Davenport, to go into Executive Session for Personnel, SDCL 1-25-2(1) at 11:40 a.m.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.  Out of Executive Session at 1:10 p.m.

DIRECTOR OF EQUALIZATION/PLANNING AND ZONING ADMINISTRATOR:  Jacobson, second by Davenport, to offer Beth Dutt the position of Director of Equalization and Planning and Zoning Director.  Jacobson, Davenport and Booth voted Aye.  Iversen and Scott voted Nay.  Motion carried.

EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Motion by Iversen, second by Scott, to go into Executive Session for Personnel, SDCL 1-25-2(1) at 1:15 a.m.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.  Out of Executive Session at 1:22 p.m.

DIRECTOR OF EQUALIZATION/SECRETARY FOR PLANNING AND ZONING:  Motion by Jacobson, second by Davenport, to offer Beth Dutt a starting wage beginning June 18, 2012, of $15.60 per hour, with three (3) increments of $1.00 each over 18 months, to-wit:  January 1, 2013 -- $16.60; July 1, 2013 -- $17.60; January 1, 2014 -- $18.60, plus any additional raises, i.e. cost of living, given to Stanley County employees during said period.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

Motion by Jacobson, second by Davenport, to hire Don Wiedemer as consultant as needed at the rate of $25.00 per hour.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

ADJOURN:  Motion by Scott, second by Davenport, to adjourn at 1:36 p.m.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

ATTEST:                                                              BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS

 Karen Sharp, Auditor                                                          Dennis Booth, Chairman    

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

