February 7, 2012



FEBRUARY 7, 2012

The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commissioners was called to order at 8:01 a.m. (CST) by Chairman Dennis Booth with Commissioners, D. D. Jacobson, Dana Iversen, Marsha Davenport and Brian Scott present.  Director of Equalization Don Wiedemer, Highway Superintendent Leo Sullivan, States Attorney Tom Maher, Deputy Auditor Dawn Sass, Mark Rowan and Brad Lawrence were also present.                                            

 AGENDA:  Motion by Jacobson, seconded by Davenport, to approve the agenda with the change of moving Sullivan back to 8:10 a.m. and move discussion of Fairgrounds to the beginning of meeting.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.

MINUTES:  Motion by Iversen,  seconded by Jacobson, to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2012, January 25, 2012, and February 1, 2012.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.

FAIRGROUNDS FLOOD REPORT:  Commissioners discussed the City of Fort Pierre sending to FEMA the request for payment for flood damage to the Stanley County Fairgrounds and that a signature is not required until it is returned for approval.

PLANNING & ZONING BOARD:  Motion by Iversen, seconded by Davenport, to appoint Pat Dougherty to the Planning & Zoning Board for a two-year term ending 12/31/13.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.

DESIGNATION OF SIGNATORS ON BANK ACCOUNTS:  Motion by Iversen, seconded by Jacobson, to remove Linda Stroup as a designated signator on Stanley County bank accounts and designate Sonny Harrowa as a signator for Stanley County. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Davenport, seconded by Iversen, to authorize Treasurer John A “Sonny” Harrowa, Deputy Treasurer Peggy Dougherty, Auditor Karen Sharp, and Deputy Auditor Dawn Sass as signators on the checking account and for electronic payroll and payroll transfers for Stanley County at First National Bank Pierre and Fort Pierre, SD, branches.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.

Motion by Davenport, seconded by Iversen to authorize Treasurer John A “Sonny” Harrowa and Deputy Treasurer Peggy Dougherty to make Money Market and Certificates of Deposit transactions at First National Bank, Pierre and Fort Pierre SD and American State Bank Pierre SD and any other designated depositories as listed in the January 10, 2012 minutes.

SAFE DEPOSIT BOX:  Motion by Jacobson, seconded by Davenport, to approve rental of a  safe deposit box for off-site storage of year-end backup tapes and whatever may need to be placed in the box. All voted aye. Motion carried.

ENERGY SAVINGS REPORT:  Wiedemer gave the Commissioners a report on the quarterly savings as per the EECBG Agreement. This report is done quarterly for a period of two years.

JAMES FORNEY CORRESPONDENCE:  Commissioners and Wiedemer discussed the correspondence which was received from Forney in regards to the 2011 flooding and loss of use. An abatement application has been sent to Forney.

PETITION TO VACATE:  Motion by Davenport, seconded by Scott,  to sign as adjoining landowners  with Chad and Laura Carda the Petition to Vacate.   Iversen and Jacobson voted Nay.   Davenport, Scott and Booth voted Aye.  Motion carried.

TILE QUOTE:  Motion by Iverson, seconded by Scott, to approve the tile quote in the sum of $657.00 from Country Carpet and Flooring, Inc.,  to extend new tile from the three (3)  entrance doors to the stairs. All voted aye. Motion Carried.

ORDINANCE NO. 2011-01:  Public Hearing was held,  and Chairman Booth gave second reading of Ordinance No. 2011-01 – An Ordinance of Stanley County, SD, Defining Election Districts.  Motion by Jacobson, seconded by Davenport, to adopt Ordinance No. 2011-01.   Roll call vote:  Booth Aye; Davenport Aye; Iversen Aye; Jacobson Aye; Scott Aye.  Motion carried.

RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PRECINCTS/POLLING PLACES:   Motion by Jacobson, seconded by Davenport to adopt Resolution 2012-04 – Change of Election Precincts and Polling places. All voted aye. Motion carried.

RESOLUTION 2012 -- 04


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Stanley County Commissioners that the Election Precincts and Polling Places shall be changed as follows.  Any discrepancies shall be resolved by reference to precincts boundaries shown on the attached Election Precincts map rather than the descriptions set forth herein.

Precinct #1- Shall include all that part of Stanley County containing the following Townships:

Township 3 North-Range 28 East, Township 3 North-Range 29 East, Township 3 North-Range 30 East,

Township 3 North-Range 31 East, Township 4 North-Range 28 East, Township 4 North-Range 29 East, Township 4 North-Range 30 East, Township 4 North-Range 31 East, Township 4 North-Range 32 East, Township 4 North-Range 33 East, Township 4 North-Range 34 East, Township 110 North-Range 79 West, Township 110 North-Range 78 West, Township 110 North-Range 77 West, Township 109 North-Range 79 West, Township 109 North-Range 78 West, Township 109 North-Range 77 West, and Township 109 North-Range 76 West, Township 5 North-Range 28 East, Township 5 North-Range 29 East, Township 5 North-Range 30 East, Township 5 North-Range 31 East, Township 6 North-Range 30 East, and Township 6 North-Range 31 East.  The polling place for precinct #1 shall be the Community Youth and Involved Center located at 19 East Main Avenue, in the City of Ft Pierre.

Precinct #2- Shall include all that part of Stanley County containing the following Townships: Township 6 North-Range 27 East, Township 6 North-Range 28 East, Township 6 North-Range 29 East, Township 7 North-Range 27 East, Township 7 North-Range 28 East, Township 7 North-Range 29 East, Township 7 North-Range 30 East, Township 8 North-Range 27 East, Township 8 North-Range 28 East, Township 8 North-Range 29 East, Township 9 North-Range 26 East, Township 9 North-Range 27 East, Township 9 North-Range 28 East, and Township 9 North-Range 29 East.  The polling place for precinct #2 shall be the McQuistion Farmstead Shop Building located along Mission Ridge Road/ SD Highway 1806, in Section 18, Township 6 North, Range 29 East.

Precinct #3- Shall include all that part of Stanley County containing the following Townships:

Township 3 North-Range 25 East, Township 3 North-Range 26 East, Township 3 North-Range 27 East, Township 4 North-Range 25 East, Township 4 North-Range 26 East, Township 4 North-Range 27 East, Township 5 North-Range 25 East, Township 5 North-Range 26 East, Township 5 North-Range 27 East, Township 6 North-Range 25 East, Township 6 North-Range 26 East, Township 7 North-Range 25 East, Township 7 North-Range 26 East, Township 8 North-Range 25 East, Township 8 North-Range 26 East, and Township 9 North-Range 25 East.  The polling place for precinct #3 shall be Hayes Hall.

                        Adopted this 7th day of February, 2012.

ATTEST:                                                            STANLEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

Karen K. Sharp, Auditor                                                 Dennis Booth, Chairman

BID OPENING FOR SALE OF METAL BLEACHER FRAMES:  Motion by Jacobson, seconded by Iversen, to hold the bleachers until next meeting as there were no bids. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Scott suggested moving the wood inside and placing it on pallets to prevent water damage.

4-H PROMOTION AND EXPANSION:  Mark Rowan 4-H Advisor gave a presentation to the Commissioners regarding the 4-H Promotion and Expansion  Board.  It is being proposed to have 14 to 15 total board members.   Each of the three counties would have the following members:  One Commissioner—one- year term ; one 4-H adult and one non 4-H adult, --three-year terms;  and one 4-H student and one non 4-H student—two- year terms.   Scott was appointed on the 4-H Board and Iversen as the alternate.

Commissioners discussed with Rowan moving his office into the extension Office as  the County needs additional space. The Commission requested Rowan to attend the March 6, 2012, meeting to give ideas for moving and the connection of extension rooms.

APPOINTMENT OF TREASURER:  Motion by Jacobson, seconded by Scott to appoint Sonny Harrowa as Interim Treasurer with a beginning salary of $31,000, plus three incremental raises of 50 cents over 18 months. All voted aye.  Motion carried.

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT:  Sullivan reported Bob Bak Construction is still crushing gravel at the pit. Culverts and levee at the fairgrounds, water control and direction were discussed. Brad Lawrence reported Morris is removing the levee, and it should be down in two weeks depending on the weather. There will be further discussion about the culverts after the levee is removed.

Motion by Jacobson, seconded by Davenport, to approve Sullivan’s travel and attendance at the SD Association of County Highway Superintendent Conference March 13 – 15, 2012. . All voted aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Iversen, seconded by Jacobson - Stanley County would like to participate in the swap program that DOT is offering this year at the 2012 STP amount.  All voted aye. Motion carried.

EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Motion by Scott, seconded by Iversen to go into Executive Session for personnel reasons pursuant to SDCL 2-25-1(1) at 10:42. a.m. (CST).   All voted aye. Motion carried.  Out of Executive Session at 10:55 a.m. (CST).

CLAIMS:  Motion by Jacobson, seconded by Iversen, to approve all claims.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.

ALL-AROUND GRAPHIX                                                       20.00  PLAQUE                       
AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE INC                            1,143.35  DECEMBER 2011 SUBSIDY         AT&T MOBILITY                                                                    48.48  UTILITIES                    
BOB BAK CONSTRUCTION                                             53,520.00  SUPPLIES                     
BRIGGS TRUCKING                                                              150.00  REPAIRS/MAINT.               
BUTLER MACHINERY CO.                                                  210.63  SUPPLIES                     
CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                              642.00  UTILITIES                    
CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                                58.00  TRASH BILLING                
CAPITAL JOURNAL                                                              786.28  RETIREMENT ADVERTISEMENT      CAROL BUTZMAN CONSULTING LLC                                 84.54  QMHP EVALUATION               CARQUEST                                                                               66.72  SUPPLIES                      CENTURYLINK                                                                      215.99  UTILITIES                    
GAVIN CHRISTOPHERSON                                                    20.00  SUBPOENA                      COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED CTR.                          1,666.67  FEBRUARY SUPPORT              CHRISTY LUMBER CO.                                                          12.00  SUPPLIES                      COMMUNICATIONS CENTER                                              608.00  SUPPLIES                     
DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER                                                33.53  SUPPLIES                      
DIESEL MACHINERY, INC.                                                   484.43  SUPPLIES                     
DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLE                                             12.00  SUPPLIES                     
DIVISION AGRICULTURAL SERVICES                                 100.00  CLASS REGISTRATION            DUFFY LAW OFFICE                                                             5,371.00  COURT APPT ATTY     
EDDIES TRUCK SALES                                                            319.83  SUPPLIES                      
CHRISTOPHER ELLIS                                                                20.00  SUBPOENA                     
FACTOR 360                                                                              500.00  WEBSITE TRAINING   
FLEET SERVICES                                                                   2,438.50  SUPPLIES                     
MARK FOLEY                                                                           225.72  SUBPOENA                     
FORT PIERRE CITY                                                               1,694.97  UTILITIES                     
FOUR CORNERS FIRE DEPT                                                   576.45  UTILITIES                    
FRIMAN OIL & GAS CO.                                                          540.10  SUPPLIES                     
GARY SNOW & ASSOCIATES                                                 325.00  MOLD INSPECTN/AIR SAMPLE    GASRITE, INC                                                                         1,780.72  SUPPLIES                     
GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS                            334.04  911 SERVICES                 
CARRIE J GONSOR                                                                2,049.00  CRT APPT ATTY                
GRAND RENTAL STATION                                                     704.00  RENTALS                       GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERR                                   2.09  SUPPLIES                     
HOGEN'S HARDWARE HANK                                                   39.35  SUPPLIES                     
HUGHES COUNTY AUDITOR                                              14,400.00  DECEMBER 2011 JAIL BILLING    CHARLES T HUMPHREY                                                       2,962.50  2011 CONTRACT                 HOPGEN’S HARDWARE HANK                                                 48.99  SUPPLIES                     
INLAND TRUCK PARTS CO.                                                     170.45  SUPPLIES                     
KLEINS OFFICE PLUS                                                                  14.99  SUPPLIES                     
Klein's Office Equipment                                                                   35.22  SUPPLIES                      
DENISE C LANGLEY                                                                   311.60  CRT APPT ATTY                 THOMAS P MAHER                                                                  2,473.29  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES         MARSHALL & SWIFT                                                                  957.65  ESTIMATOR 7 RENEWAL           MCLEOD'S PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY                                  96.83  SUPPLIES                     
MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                                                             19.95  SUPPLIES                      MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC                                       375.00  MONTHLY RENT                  MICROFIX, INC.                                                                           180.00  SUPPLIES                      MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                                        206.70  UTILITIES                     MIDLAND AREA EMS                                                                 515.00  2012 YEARLY SUPPORT           MISSOURI SHORES DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CENTER               895.00  2011 COLLECTIONS             
MN WIRELESS, LLC                                                                       69.00  UTILITIES                     MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                                           592.43  UTILITY BILLING               DAVID NEUHARTH                                                                        75.90  WEED/PEST MEETING                PIERRE CITY                                                                               5,514.03  E-911 SERVICES 1ST-QTR 2012   QUILL CORPORATION                                                              1,199.20  SUPPLIS                       
ROBINS WATER CONDITIONING INC                                         47.00  REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE         RUNNINGS                                                                                    637.00  SUPPLIES                      RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                                               65.18  SUPPLIES                     
NICOLE SCHWINLER                                                                     40.00  RETIREMENT CAKE               SD Assoc. Co. Hwy Super.                                                               195.00  TRAVEL & CONF.               
SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                                 175.00  BLOOD TESTS                  
SD DEPT OF LABOR & REGULATION                                      1,032.00  JOHN J. HILLMER                
SDSU EXTENSION                                                                      6,197.50  CALENDAR YEAR 2012            SERVALL UNIFORM & LINEN                                                      55.65  REPAIRS/MAINT.                SHANE'S PHARMACY                                                                    70.21  PRISONER CARE                
BEN SIMBECK                                                                                 20.00  SUBPOENA                      SMITH'S FIRE EXTINGUISHER                                                       40.00  INSPECT 8 EXTINGSHRS      
AJ STOESER                                                                                     72.20  WEED/PEST MTNG                 SUTLEYS TOWN & RANCH MARKET                                             7.64  SUPPLIES                     
BLAKE WALSH                                                                                20.00  SUBPOENA                      WENDELL LAW OFFICE P.C.                                                        417.20  CRT APPT ATTY--ZG            WW TIRE SERVICE, INC                                                             2,448.56  SUPPLIES                      WEGNER AUTO CO.                                                                        63.64  SUPPLIES                     
XEROX CORPORATION                                                                372.32  DECEMBER BILLING              RANDY YOST                                                                                  72.20  WEED/PEST MTNG                 ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                                                  460.30  SUPPLIES                     

SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners, $3975.90; Auditor, $6476.59; Treasurer, $6220.85; States Attorney, $7034.63; Custodian, $3141.61; Director of Equalization, $7137.34; Register of Deeds, $3591.53;Road and Bridge, $30344.39; Community Health Secretary, $2726.89; WIC Secretary, $345.64; Wellmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield, employee insurance, $13492.77; SD Retirement System, withheld and match, $5862.16; SD Supplemental Retirement, employee contribution, $1770.00;  Electronic Transfer, FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax, $10842.65                                                                                                                      

AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER:                                                                                            

January,  2012                                                                                                                                                                  
Cash on hand  $1,062.04                                                                                             

Bad Check $56.50

Checks, less than 3 days                $40,954.22                                                                                                                                                                           
Petty Cash  $200.00                                                                                                                   

First National Bank  $94,983.70                                                                    

MKKT. ACCT. – First National Bank  $2,586,389.02                                                                                                    

MKKT. ACCT. – American State Bank  $66,371.31                                                                               

SD FIT  $6,007.50                                                                                                              

Short $1.74

Total  $2,796,026.03                                                                           

REGISTER OF DEEDS:                                                                                                                            

Regular fees, January, 2012  $1,612.64                                                                                                                        

Transfer fees, January, 2012  $1,116.00                     

ADJOURNMENT:  Motion by Scott, seconded by Iversen to adjourn the meeting at 10:56 a.m.  (CST).   All voted aye. Motion carried.

ATTEST:                                                             BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS


Dawn Sass, Deputy Auditor                                         Dennis Booth, Chairman

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

