February 1, 2011


February 1, 2011

The regular meeting of the Stanley County Commissioners was called to order at 8:03 a.m. by Chairman D.D. Jacobson with Brian Scott, Dennis Booth and Dana Iversen present.  Pat Sutley was absent.  Also present were Director of Equalization Don Wiedemer, Auditor Kris Kroll, Human Resources Chuck Humphrey and Highway Superintendent Leo Sullivan.                                                                                 
AGENDA:  Motion by Booth, seconded by Scott to approve the agenda.  All voted aye. Motion carried. 
MINUTES:  Motion by Booth, seconded by Scott to approve the January 4, 2011 minutes.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.                                                                                                                                                   
HIGHWAY DEPT:  All highway employees are working 4-10 hour days.  Sullivan stated that we have a contract with Gasrite for $2.70/gal for diesel and $2.76/gal for gas through June.  Updates have been posted on the county website: www.stanleycounty.org.  Discussion followed regarding bid limits and purchases for the year. Sullivan told Kroll to discuss voucher changes with the secretary.                   
EXECUTIVE  SESSION:  Motion by Booth, seconded by Iversen to go into Executive Session for personnel at 8:50 a.m.  All voted aye.  Motion approved.  Out at 9:14 a.m. 
UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIM:  Motion by Booth to deny the unemployment claim based on new information, seconded by Scott.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.                                                         
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT:  Rob Fines informed the Commission that Holly Salkeld has resigned and at some point will be replaced.  Fines and the other regions met with Secretary of Public Safety Trevor Jones regarding the 2010 grant and voiced their concerns with the contract.   Fines is finishing up with the 2009 grant.  Fines also met with the Ft. Pierre Fire Dept. regarding proactive training and their funding needs. Everything is on hold regarding the repeaters until issues are finalized with the 2010 grant and the paperwork is signed.                                                                                                                
EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Motion by Booth, seconded by Scott to go into Executive Session for personnel at 9:30 a.m.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.  Out at 10:21 a.m.                                                                           
SPECIAL MEETING:  Motion by Iversen, seconded by Booth to have a Special Meeting on February 22, 2011 at 8:00 a.m.                                                                                                                                           
AUTOMATIC SUPPLEMENT:  Motion by Scott, seconded by Iversen to approve an automatic supplement to increase the Emergency Management Fund Communication Center Department in the amount of $16955.20 to reflect the PSIC Grant funds that were received.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.  
AUDITOR’S REPORT:  Kroll reported on Monitoring Compliance, Adjusting Entries, the 2011 Debit/Credit Workshop and the Redistricting Seminar.                                                                                                               
BULL-O-RAMA:  Jacobson reported that the Comm. should be receiving an informational letter on the status of their funds.                                                                                                                                      
DISCUSSION:  David Carlisle reported that Senate Bill 69 passed and went on the consent calendar and will go to the Senate floor sometime this week and then it will continue on for further approval. 
CSDED BOARD:  Motion by Booth, seconded by Iversen to approve to remove David Neuharth as Commissioner Representative on the CSDED Board as he is no longer on the Commission.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.                                                                                                                                                            
CACS SUPPORT LETTER:  Auditor Kroll will submit the support request letter to CACS stating that the County is giving $0 in support for 2011.                                                                                                          
DISCOVERY SYSTEMS:  SDML has contracted with Discovery Systems to audit the Workers Compensation Payroll Audit for 2010 on February  15, 2011.                                                                                      
SD DEPT OF ENVIRONMENT and NATURAL RESOURCES:  Informational letter regarding a proposed pesticide general permit that will be required for all pesticide applications in tribal territory. 
TREASURER’S REPORT:  Treasurer Stroup presented the Month End Reconciliation for December, 2010, Edited Miscellaneous Receipts and the Investment report for 2010.                                                     
EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Motion by Iversen , seconded by Scott to go into Executive Session for personnel at 11:22 a.m. All voted aye.  Motion carried.  Out at 11:52 a.m.                                                                         
DOE:  Department is in need of a new printer as the old one is broken.   Wiedemer will network to Auditor’s Office to print off reports.                                                                                                                  
CLAIMS:  Motion by Scott, seconded by Booth to approve the claims as amended to include GoldenWest, Stanley County Treasurer and Black Hills Chemical.  All voted aye. Motion approved.                                                               

TARA L. ADAMSKI                                                                    1922.36  RF - DB - SV                 

MARCOS A  AGUILAR                                                               3485.00  COURT APPT ATTY              

ALL-AROUND GRAPHIX                                                              130.00  2 - PLAQUE CLOCKS            

ALLTELL                                                                                        41.74  CELL PHONE                   

AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE                                              3831.75  DECEMBER SUBSIDY             

BLACK HILLS CHEMICAL & JANITOR                                            53.00  SUPPLIES                     

BOTTOM LINE WELDING                                                                41.65  WELDING SERVICES             

BRITTNI BURTON                                                                           20.00  SUBPOENA                     

BUTLER MACHINERY CO                                                          3983.91  REPAIRS & PARTS SUPPLIES     

CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                                        54.00  TRASH BILLING                

CAPITAL JOURNAL                                                                   1099.52  ADVERTISING                   

CARQUEST AUTO PARTS                                                           694.31  SHOP SUPPLIES - PARTS        

CHANDLERS INC AUTOGLASS/RECYCL                                    191.00  INSTALL GLASS                

CHEMSEARCH                                                                             416.58  SUPPLIES                     

CHRISTY LUMBER                                                                         13.00  SHOP SUPPLIES                

DENISE CODY                                                                                15.00  MENTAL ILLNESS HEARING       

COMMUNICATIONS CENTER,INC                                                  113.67  SERVICE & PARTS              

COMMUNITY YOUTH INVOLVED CTR.                                       1841.66  DISTRICT MTG                 

DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER                                                         39.99  SUPPLIES                     

DONNA K DIETRICH                                                                      143.84  MENTAL ILLNESS HEARING       

DUFFY LAW OFFICE                                                                  3854.00  COURT APPT ATTY              

EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES                                                                302.05  FILTERS - TRUCK PARTS        

ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE                                          1516.00  SUPPORT 4-1-11 TO 3-31-2012  

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                                     2078.86  COPIER LEASE                 

FOUR CORNERS FIRE DEPTMENT                                                761.53  LAST 1/2 OF 2010 ELECTRICITY 

FRIMAN OIL & GAS CO, INC.                                                     1117.08  PROPANE FOR SHOP             

GASRITE, INC                                                                          10929.06  DYED FUEL - GASOLINE         

GOLDEN WEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS                                   334.04  911 SERVICES                 

HAHN ENGINEERING                                                                 2445.00  ENGINEERING SERVICE          

HUGHES COUNTY AUDITOR                                                  10442.74  DECEMBER JAIL BILLING        

IAAO                                                                                          175.00  2011 MEMBERSHIP              

INLAND TRUCK PARTS                                                            2478.22  TRUCK PARTS & REPAIRS        

LURA KIRKPATRICK                                                                     73.30  WEED/PEST MTG                

KLEINS OFFICE PLUS                                                                     3.00  SUPPLIES                     

KLEINS OFFICE PLUS                                                                   62.34  OFFICE SUPPLIES              

LAWSON PRODUCTS INC                                                          349.18  SHOP SUPPLIES                

LINCOLN COUNTY                                                                     149.50  MENTAL ILLNESS HEARING       

JESSICA LOUNSBURY                                                                20.00  SUBPOENA                      

THOMAS P MAHER                                                                  2224.55  PROFESSIONAL SERVICE         

MAY ADAM GERDES & THOMPSON LLP                                  352.60  CRT APPT ATTY - JUSTIN BELL  

MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC                                         375.00  FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT        

MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                                            206.70  UTILITIES                    

MIDLAND AREA EMS                                                                515.00  2011 SUPPORT                 

M0 SHORES DOMESTIC VIOL CENTER                                   1070.00  DOMESTIC ABUSE               

MISSOURI VALLEY RADIOLOGY LLC                                        34.59  SERVICES                     

MN WIRELESS LLC                                                                      69.00  INTERNET                     

MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                                           673.37  UTILITIES                    

MORRIS INC                                                                             4299.16  GRAVEL PURCHASED             

DAVID NEUHARTH                                                                    116.22  COMMISSIONER TRAVEL          

NOBLE INK & TONER                                                                   55.07  SUPPLIES                     

OLSON PLUMBING                                                                     535.60  CHANGED OUT WATER HEATER     

PIERRE CITY                                                                               110.00  MEDICAL AGREEMENT            

PIERRE FLOWER SHOP                                                                56.00  MEMORIAL                     

PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL                                                           144.84  RENTAL SERVICE               

QUILL CORPORATION                                                                   21.69  SUPPLIES                     

QWEST COMMUNICATIONS                                                        660.56  UTILITIES                    

CATHY REHFUSS                                                                         15.00  MENTAL ILLNESS HEARING       

OLINGER,LOVALD & MCCAHREN PC                                         210.05  JW                           

ROBINS WATER CONDITIONING INC                                            47.00  SEVICE CALL                  

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                                               80.65  SUPPLIES

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                                             621.19  PARTS & SUPPLIES                                

SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION                                               31.61  UTILITIES                    

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                                 105.00  BLOOD TESTS                  

SD DEPTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                                      514.40  COST SHARE - BRIDGE INSPECTION

SDAAO                                                                                      130.00  2011 DUES                     

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                                                    35.68  CLEAN RUNNERS

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                                  70.00  BLOOD TESTS                                  

ST MARY'S HEALTHCARE CENTER                                          234.32  QMHP EVAL                    

ST MARY'S HEALTH CARE CENTER                                       1781.95  CRISIS ROOM                  

STANLEY COUNTY TREASURER                                               44.32  CERTIFIED MAIL               

STATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT                                             25.00  FILE DRAWER                  

STERN OIL CO INC                                                                  2003.44  BULK OIL                      

AJ STOESER                                                                              62.20  WEED/PEST MTG                

SUTLEYS TOWN & RANCH MARKET                                          6.90  SUPPLIES                     

TITAN MACHINERY                                                                    39.54  SUPPLIES                     

TOM RICHARDSON                                                                    59.40  GASOLINE                     

JON VANDER MATEN                                                                45.00  BLOOD TESTS                  

WALMART COMMUNITY                                                              7.71  SUPPLIES                     

WW TIRE SERVICE INC                                                         10268.60  NEW TIRES                    

XEROX CORPORATION                                                              91.05  PRINT CHARGES                

YANKTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT                                        25.00  SHERIFFS FEE                 

RANDY YOST                                                                            62.20  WEED/PEST MTG                

ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                                              54.10  PARTS - SUPPLIES 

SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners, $3602.70;Auditor, $6294.05; Treasurer, $5810.83; States Attorney, $6602.15; Custodian, $3342.21; Director of Equalization, $6833.88; Register of Deeds, $3916.48;Road and Bridge, $28591.53; Community Health Secretary, $2632.56; WIC Secretary, $333.71; Wellmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield, employee insurance, $12754.95; SD Retirement System, withheld and match, $5601.32; SD Supplemental Retirement, employee contribution, $40.00;  Electronic Transfer, FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax, $10526.98                                                                                                                     

AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER:                                                                                  

January 2011
Cash on hand  $800.61                                                                                                   
Checks, less than 3 days                $8457.77                                                                                             
Petty Cash          $200.00                                                                                                           
First National Bank          $88731.31 
 MKKT. ACCT. – First National Bank           $2454048.57
MKKT. ACCT. – American State Bank      $65760.73
SD FIT      $6005.55
Long/Short         ($0.09)
Total      $2624004.45 
 REGISTER OF DEEDS:                                                                                                                           
Regular fees, January 2011          $1896.44
Transfer fees, January 2011      $2514.00
ADJOURNMENT:  Booth motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Iversen. Unanimous vote aye.  Meeting adjourned at 12:12 p.m.

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

