December 19, 2013 (Special)



DECEMBER 19, 2013


The special meeting of the Stanley County Commission was called to order at 5:23 (CST) by Chairman Iversen with Commissioners Booth, Deal, Heckenlaible and Scott present.  Auditor Karen Sharp and Director of Equalization Ron Nagle were also present.  The meeting began with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.


AGENDA:  Motion by Booth, second by Heckenlaible, to approve the Agenda.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


MINUTES:  Motion by Deal, second by Scott, to approve the Minutes of December 3, 2013.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried. 


CLAIMS:  Motion by Scott, second by Heckenlaible, to approve all the claims except for the City of Fort Pierre for animal damage control in the sum of $88.00.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


TARA L ADAMSKI                                                                 229.30  ATTY’S FEES               

AVERA MCKENNAN                                                             290.42  MEDIAL CARE                  

BINDERTEK                                                                             47.09  AUDITOR SUPPLIES             

BUREAU OF HUMAN RESOURCES                                       21.00  TRAINING                     

BUTLER MACHINERY CO                                                      84.19  FILTER FOR MOTORGRADER       

CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                                               674.25  TRASH         

CAPITAL AREA COUNSELING INC                                     406.00  QMHP EVAL                    

WICK COMMUNICATIONS                                                   267.50  MINUTES

CENTURYLINK                                                                        85.28  FOUR- CORNERS REPEATER           

CHANDLERS INC AUTOGLASS/RECYCL                            170.00  WINDSHIELD   

CHRISTY LUMBER                                                                323.16  SUPPLIES 

COMMTECH                                                                           105.00  GOV BLDG REPAIRS/MAINT     

COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE                                 97.74  GAS                

CRETEX CONCRETE PRODUCTS WEST                         14,827.00  BOX CULVERTS

EDDIE'S TRUCK SALES                                                          21.25  PARTS                        

WADE FISCHER                                                                  1,197.00  ATT’Y FEES                  

FLEET SERVICES                                                                6,740.98  DYED FUEL/GASOLINE         

FORT PIERRE CITY                                                         16,0547.06  DUE TO FORT PIERRE

GASRITE INC                                                                         499.50  DYED FUEL/GASOLINE         

GROSSENBURG IMPLEMENT OF PIERRE                           377.37  PARTS-SUPPLIES    

HOGEN'S HARDWARE HANK                                              318.98  GOV BLDG SUPPLIES            

HUGHES COUNTY AUDITOR                                               180.00  VETERANS SERVICE

HUGHES COUNTY AUDITOR                                           11,920.00  JAIL

HUGHES COUNTY AUDITOR                                             6,623.88  COUNTY EXTENSION

JC OFFICE SUPPLY                                                                181.42 OFFICE SUPPLIES            

LARRY'S PLUMBING LLC                                                   2,647.00  FAIRGROUNDS REPAIRS

LEWIS & CLARK BHS                                                            160.00  MENTAL ILL HEARING           

MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                                                       632.70  SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT       

MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC                                  750.00  ROD EQUIP RENTAL    

MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                                    217.30  INTERNET              

MN WIRELESS LLC                                                                  759.00 INTERNET - 2014     

NADA GUIDES                                                                         196.00  DOE SUPPLIES  

RON NAGLE                                                                          2,447.20  DOE PROF. FEES              

NOBLE INK & TONER                                                              65.99  SUPPLY            

OLINGER LOVALD MCCAHREN REIMER                            797.36  ATTY’S FEES                      

PHEASANTLAND INDUSTRIES                                               46.65  MH DECAL                     

QUILL CORPORATION                                                           411.77  SUPPLIES             

RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                                        151.30  PARTS - SUPPLIES             

JERRY SCHIMKAT                                                                  117.47  OVERPAID TAXES               

BRAD A SCHREIBER                                                               163.85  ATTY’S FEES

STANLEY COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT                           714.62  EQUIPMENT

STANLEY COUNTY SCHOOL                                           399,818.62  DUE TO SC SCHOOL                 

SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION                                        17.76  PHONE

SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                                            600.00  HUMAN SERVICES

                                                                                               40,855.70  MV

                                                                                                     60.00  VITALS              

SD ASS'N OF COUNTY OFFICIALS                                           50.00  ROD CONTINUING ED.

                                                                                                    142.00  ROD M/P FUND

SERVALL UNIFORM/LINEN CO                                                34.88  CLEAN RUNNERS                

SHEPHERD REPORTING LLC                                                    30.00  PROF. FEES

RANDY STOESER                                                                       92.14 TRAVEL/JURORS      

TITAN MACHINERY                                                                 171.11  SNOWBLOWER REPAIR    

TITAN ACCESS ACCOUNT                                                       256.47  REPAIR           

ULTRA INC                                                                                620.00  NETWORK UPGRADES          

WW TIRE SERVICE INC                                                          9,938.80  TIRES/ REPAIR          

WW TIRE SERVICE INC                                                               10.00  SNOWBLOWER REPAIR    

XEROX CORPORATION                                                             167.32   LEASE /COPIES        
YANKTON COUNTY                                                                  106.25  HEARING  FEES      

ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                                                57.74  PARTS/ SUPPLIES             


EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS:  Motion by Booth, second by Heckenlaible, for Expenditure Adjustments from Road and Bridge Fund to General Fund in the total sum of $23,925.04, and Expenditure Adjustment from Road and Bridge Fund to Courthouse Building Fund in the total sum of $8,218.63.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


CONTINGENCY TRANSFERS:  Motion by Deal, second by Scott, to make Contingency Transfers to cover the following budgets:  Court-Appointed Attorney Fees $5,500; Animal Damage Control $370.00; Jail $27,700; Fairgrounds Repairs and Maintenance $8,200; Soil Conservation $16,825; and Weed and Pest $4,600.00.  All Aye.


AUTO SUPPLEMENT:  Motion by Scott, second by Heckenlaible, to approve an automatic supplement to the Road and Bridge Fund in the amount of $135, 257.37 to reflect 90/10 grant monies received in March 2013.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


OPERATING TRANSFERS:   Motion by Heckenlaible, second by Deal, for an operating transfer from the General Fund to Road and Bridge Fund in the sum of $90,000.00.  Booth, Deal, Heckenlaible and Iversen Voted Aye.  Scott Voted Nay.  Motion Carried.


Motion by Booth, second by Scott, for an operating transfer from the General Fund to Emergency Management Fund in the sum of $1,800.00.


SALARIES AND WAGES:  Motion by Scott, second by Deal, to increase the wages and salary of the Highway Department employees twenty-five cents ($0.25) per hour for 2014, and an increase of fifty cents ($0.50) per hour for 2014 for elected officials, except County Commissioners, and all other employees, except the Equalization Office Assistant, and including Highway Department Secretary, commencing with the January 3, 2014, payroll.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


Motion by Scott, second by Deal, to approve the Brule County Jail Agreement at $50 per day and to authorize Chairman Iversen to sign the same.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


Discussed the insurance claim at the Fairgrounds.


Auditor Sharp advised that Inventory lists from all departments is due January 10, 2014.


HWY. DEPT. WORK DAY:  Motion by Scott, second by Deal, that beginning December 30, 2013, all highway maintenance employees will work five (5), 8-hour days.  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


ADJOURN:  Motion by Scott, second by Heckenlaible, to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. (CST).  All Voted Aye.  Motion Carried.


ATTEST:                                                                         BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSION




Karen Sharp, Auditor                                                         Dana Iversen, Chairman


Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

