August 7, 2012

AUGUST 7, 2012

The regular meeting the Stanley County Commissioners was called to order at 8:03 a.m. by Chairman Dennis Booth witt
Commissioners Marsha Davenport, Dana Iversen, D. D. Jacobson and Brian Scott present.  Highway Superintendent Leo Sullivan, Director of Equalization Beth Dutt and Assistant David Reiss, State’s Attorney Thomas P. Maher, Director of Welfare Dawn Sass, Kelli Shuman, Tom LaFaive and Auditor Karen Sharp were also present.

 AGENDA:  Motion by Jacobson, second by Davenport, to adopt the Agenda.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

 MINUTES:  Minutes of July 19, 2012, shall be corrected as follows:  ASSISTANT DOE:  Motion by Jacobson, second by Davenport, to hire David Reiss at $12.02 per hour, with three (3) fifty (50) cent pay raises every six months for 18 months, to-wit:  January 30, 2013; July 30, 2013; and January 13, 2014, plus any cost of living raises given to other county employees, and provided that David Reiss obtain designation as a Certified Appraiser Assessor within one year (July 30, 2013).  Jacobson, Davenport, Iversen and Booth voting Aye.  Scott voting Nay.  Motion carried.

 Motion by Jacobson, second by Davenport, to accept the minutes of July 19, 2012, as corrected.  All voted Aye. Motion carried.

 TREASURER AND AUDITOR REPORTS were accept as presented.

 SALARIES BY OFFICE: Commissioners, $3,975.95; Auditor, $5,056.98; Treasurer, $4,939.38; States Attorney, $5,496.30; Custodian, $2,416.58; Director of Equalization, $4,241.35; Register of Deeds, $2,820.04;Road and Bridge, $29,446.19; Community Health Secretary, $2,081.27; WIC Secretary, $253.91; Wellmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield, employee insurance, $12,270.07; SD Retirement System, withheld and match, $5,902.94; SD Supplemental Retirement, employee contribution, $1,770.00;  Electronic Transfer, FICA, Medicare and Withholding Tax, $12,059.67.

AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH THE TREASURER:                                                                                            

July, 2012                                                                                                                                                            Cash on hand  $1,264.77
Bad Checks  $411.77
Checks, less than 3 days         $5,078.89                                                                                                       
Petty Cash  $200.00                                                                                      
First National Bank  $82,382.93                                                          
MKKT. ACCT. – First National Bank  $2,973,654.62                                                                                 
MKKT. ACCT. – American State Bank  $66,536.51                                                           
SD FIT  $6,008.39             
Total  $3,135.537.88                                             

REGISTER OF DEEDS:                                                                                                 

Regular fees,  July, 2012  $3,835.00                                                                                               

Transfer fees, July, 2012  $ 3,729.50                 

 CLAIMS:  Motion by Scott, second by Iversen to approve the verified claims as presented, plus Brandon Harrison $40.50; Karl’s $398.88; SD Counties $1,485.00; and St. Mary’s Healthcare $2,830.25.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

AT&T MOBILITY                                                  48.94  UTILITIES                    
BLACK HILLS CHEMICAL & JANITOR            154.38  SUPPLIES                      
BOTTOM LINE WELDING                                1,936.35  SUPPLIES                     
BOTTOM LINE WELDING                                  606.74  REPAIRS/MAINT.               
BRANDON HARRISON                                        40.50  MV OVERPAYMENT               
BUTLER MACHINERY CO.                            25,421.26  SUPPLIES                     
C & R SUPPLY                                                      54.67  SWITCH KIT #1                
CAPITAL AREA REFUSE LLC                             58.00  TRASH BILLING                
CAPITAL JOURNAL                                           422.51  ADVERTISING                   CENTURYLINK                                                   324.98  UTILITIES                    
CERTIFIED LABORATORIES                             168.11  SUPPLIES                     
CITY OF FORT PIERRE                                      148.65  UTILITIES                    
COWBOY COUNTRY STORES PIERRE              59.00  SUPPLIES                     
CHANDLER’S GLASS & RECYCLE                   218.00  REPAIRS/MAINT.               
CHRISTY LUMBER CO.                                      225.00  SUPPLIES                     
COMMUNICATIONS CENTER                         1,107.82  SUPPLIES                     
DAKOTA BUSINESS CENTER                              64.99  SUPPLIES                     
DIAMOND DRUGS, INC.                                     168.68  THOMAS CROOKSON MEDICATION    DIAMOND MOWERS, INC.                                   66.86  SUPPLIES                     
DIESEL MACHINERY, INC.                                  85.71  SUPPLIES                     
DUFFY LAW OFFICE                                           344.40  COURT APPT ATTY              
EDDIES TRUCK SALES                                       346.10  SUPPLIES                      ENVIROTECH                                                        82.80  TRASH BILL                   
WADE FISCHER                                                 3,826.90  DR - RB JR. -                
FLEET SERVICES                                             11,915.00  SUPPLIES                     
FORT PIERRE CITY                                           2,440.99  UTILITIES               
FOUR CORNERS FIRE DEPT                             1,260.32  UTILITIES                    
GASRITE, INC                                                       316.70  DYED FUEL & GAS              
GOLDEN WEST TELECOMM.                              334.04  911 SERVICE                  
GROSSENBURG IMPL. OF PIERRE                     877.71  SUPPLIES                     
HANDY HITCH MFG, INC.                                  102.24  REPAIRS/MAINT.                
HUGHES COUNTY AUDITOR                        11,520.00  JUNE JAIL BILLING            
INLAND TRUCK PARTS CO.                           2,200.38  REPAIRS/MAINT.               
DONALD A JANZ PH.D                                    1,100.00  PSYCHOSEXUAL ASSESSMENT       KARL'S                                                                 398.88  2-DOOR REFRIG                
LURA KIRKPATRICK                                           83.30  WEED/PEST MTG                
KLEINS OFFICE PLUS                                        111.12  SUPPLIES                     
KLEIN’S OFFICE EQUIPMENT                            43.70  SUPPLIES                     
LARRY'S PLUMBING LLC                                 125.00  LABOR & LARGE ROOTER  
THOMAS P MAHER                                         2,442.58  PROFESSIONAL SERVICES         
MICRO-FIX COMPUTERS                                   105.00  WIRELESS CODE FOR ROUTER      MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS INC              375.00  FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT          
MICROFIX, INC.                                                    69.75  SUPPLIES                     
MID DAKOTA VEGETATION MNGT             11,000.00  CORD BANDING FY 2012         MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION                217.30  UTILITIES                    
MINNEHAHA COUNTY JAIL                              100.00  MEDICAL CARE                 
MN WIRELESS, LLC                                              69.00  UTILITIES                     
MONICK PIPE & SUPPLY, INC                            38.35  SUPPLIES                     
MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO                   16.00  UTILITIES                    
ASHLEY OLSON                                                      1.11  TAX TRUST                     
JESSICA PAULSEN                                               250.80  TRANSCRIPTS                  
DARLIS D PERRY                                                 270.00  BLOOD TESTS                  
PIERRE CITY                                                       6,862.03  MED DIR-911 SERV-RESCUE
PIERRE FLOWER SHOP                                        207.50  MEMORIALS                     POWERPLAN                                                         586.25  SUPPLIES                     
QUILL CORPORATION                                       1,135.33  SUPPLIES                     
REGIONAL HEALTH                                              375.00  ALTON AUGUSTINE               OLINGER,LOVALD & MCCAHREN PC                 369.00  AWS                          
RIVER CITIES TRANSIT                                    16,000.00  2012 BUDGET                  
ROCKMOUNT RESEACH & ALLOYS, IN           2,014.93  SUPPLIES                     
MARK ROWEN                                                         31.97  SUPPLIES                      RUNNINGS                                                              286.60  SUPPLIES                     
RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC                                         49.96  SUPPLIES                     
SD BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION                      15.48  UTILITIES                    
SD COUNTIES                                                      1,485.00  2012 COUNTY CONVENTION       
SD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE                       1,842.00  3rd-QUARTER BILLING          
SD STATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT               150.09  NEW FLAGS                     SDAAO                                                                   650.00  ASSESSOR SCHOOL              
SERVALL UNIFORM & LINEN                              45.63  REPAIRS/MAINT.               
ST MARY'S HEALTH CARE CENTER               2,830.25  - V1232970   
ST MARY'S HEALTH CARE CENTER                   93.52  PRISONER CARE                
STANLEY COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT     2,549.20  2010 HLS GRANT               
AJ STOESER                                                            72.20  WEED/PEST MTG                
SUTLEYS TOWN & RANCH MARKET                  30.11  SUPPLIES                     
SMITH’S FIRE EXTINGUISHER                             724.47  SUPPLIES                     
SUTLEY’S TOWN & RANCH                                  23.02  SUPPLIES                     
TEX'S JACK REPAIR AND WELDING                   258.20  CHUTE REPAIRS                
TITAN MACHINERY                                              321.91  SUPPLIES                     
ULTRA INC                                                         10,240.00  JULY 2012 - 2013 CONTRACT
ULTRA, INC.                                                         2,500.00  EQUIPMENT                    
US POSTAL SERVICE                                               32.00  CHN PO BOX FEE DUE           
VAN DIEST SUPPLY COMPANY                           630.25  SUPPLIES                     
WW TIRE SERVICE, INC                                       1,054.07  SUPPLIES                     
WW TIRE SERVICE INC                                            24.95  FLAT REPAIR                  
XEROX CORPORATION                                          176.86  COPIER LEASE/COPIES          
ZANDER AUTO PARTS                                           209.08  SUPPLIES                      
AMBER FUNK                                                            11.08  MV 54.5%, 1,5%, 2.5% AND 3%
BARRY HEISS                                                            13.50 MV 54.5%, 1,5%, 2.5% AND 3%
HERMAN FENNELL                                                  61.50 MV 54.5%, 1,5%, 2.5% AND 3%
KARL FISCHER                                                        150.00 MV 54.5%, 1,5%, 2.5% AND 3%
KEITH BRIGGS                                                           92.50 MV 54.5%, 1,5%, 2.5% AND 3%
KEVIN FORSCH                                                         23.34 MV 54.5%, 1,5%, 2.5% AND 3%
RENEE MYERS                                                           29.01 MV 54.5%, 1,5%, 2.5% AND 3%
RUSS STAGER                                                            30.00 MV 54.5%, 1,5%, 2.5% AND 3%
SHARPE RENTALS INC.                                            37.50 MV 54.5%, 1,5%, 2.5% AND 3%
TIM BADGER                                                              18.00 MV 54.5%, 1,5%, 2.5% AND 3%

HIGHWAY DEPT:  Motion by Scott, second by Davenport, to enter into a Waste Tire Cleanup with Hughes County and authorize Chairman Booth to sign whatever documents are necessary.



WHEREAS, Stanley County wishes to host a collection of waste tires for the Stanley County area; and

WHEREAS, Stanley County is eligible to apply to the SD Department of Environment and Natural Resources (Department) for SD Solid Waste Management Grant (SWMG) funds for the proposed collection and reuse or disposal of waste tires from the service area; and

WHEREAS, the costs of advertisement of the event and final disposal costs of the waste tires are eligible for reimbursement by the grant funds; and

WHEREAS, Hughes and Stanley Counties have developed a joint work plan and will submit this plan to the Department with the application for funding; and

WHEREAS, Hughes and Stanley Counties desire to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement to jointly conduct waste tire collection and disposal activities;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Stanley County Commission to submit and application for waste tire collection using SWMG funding for the proposed project; that the Stanley County Commission Chairman be authorized to execute and sign the SWMG application on behalf of Stanley County; and that the Stanley County Commission Chairman be authorized to negotiate a Joint Powers Agreement to conduct waste tire collection and disposal activities in conjunction with Hughes County.

Dated this 7th day of August, 2012.

ATTEST:                                                         BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSION

Karen K. Sharp, Auditor                                Dennis Booth, Chairman

 Sullivan wishes to obtain retaining wall block for make a bunker at the fairgrounds.  He will do some checking as to possible options.  Commission requested the Highway Department to do some blading at the fairgrounds and pick up large rocks.  Sullivan advised that work at War Creek is about finished.  Commissioners commended the Highway Department for its work on Verendrye Drive and County Line Road.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT:  Rob Fines gave update on the Homeland Security Grant.  He requested that someone from the Commission serve on the Committee.  Jacobson volunteered to serve on the Committee along with Sheriff Brad Rathbun.

Motion by Jacobson, second by Davenport, to authorize payment up to $500 for supplies throughout the season for a Food/Drink Trailer for Firefighters.  All voted Aye. Motion carried.

 OFFICE OF EQUALIZATION:  Director Dutt introduced Assistant Director David Reiss.  Motion by Davenport, second by Jacobson, to approve attendance by Dutt and Reiss at Assessors School and September, 2012, and authorization to order course work.  Booth, Davenport, Iversen, and Jacobson voted Aye.  Scott voted Nay.  Motion carried.

 Director Dutt requested authorization to purchase a new computer in the sum of $2,860.00 and laptop in the sum of $1,859.00 from Connecting Point.  Motion by Jacobson, second by Davenport, to authorize the purchases based upon the data that was presented, and to also authorize checking into and purchase of a docking station.  Booth, Davenport, Iversen and Jacobson all voted Aye.  Scott voted Nay.  Motion carried.

 PRAIRIE DOGS:  Tom LeFaive of Bad River Ranches asked if there could be an extension granted for the prairie dog issue between Bad River Ranches and Regina Iversen.  Scott asked if LeFaive would be willing to sign a waiver if someone hits a prairie dog hole in the road.  LeFaive said it have to be taken up with their legal staff.  Maher advised that Bad River Ranches has an attorney and Iversen said she will get one.  The parties are communicating and a possible deadline extension may be granted.  The parties are to get together to come up with a plan.

 PROVISIONAL BUDGET:  Motion by Davenport, second by Jacobson, to authorize publication and notice of hearing of the Provisional Budget.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

 OPEN MEETING LAWS:  Maher asked that this be postponed until next month.

EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Motion by Davenport, second by Iversen to go into Executive Session for Poor Relief at 9:33 a.m.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.  Out of Executive Session at 9:39 a.m.

 POOR RELIEF CLAIM:  Motion by Iversen, second by Davenport, to approve Poor Relief Claim 2012-01 in the sum of $2,830.25.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

 WAKPA SICA RECONCILIATION PLACE: Discussed correspondence from US Department of the Interior to place the Wakpa Sica Reconciliation Place in trust for the Sioux Nation.  Motion by Iversen, second by Scott to appeal and direct State’s Attorney Maher to prepare documents and authorize Chairman Booth to sign.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

 TEEN COURT:  Kellie Shuman, Teen Court Coordinator appeared and gave an oversight of how the Teen Court space is being used now and how space will be utilized in the near future.  There was also correspondence from Judge Brown regarding utilization of the space.

 EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Motion by Iversen, second by Scott to go into Executive Session for Personnel at 10:12 a.m.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.  Out of Executive Session at 10:40 a.m.

 FAIRGROUNDS:  Booth will talk with the City about the fire hydrant.  Casey Tibbs SD Rodeo Center is willing to set up an account for fairgrounds restoration.  Discussed establishing a Fairgrounds Board with possibly two Stanley County Commissioners, two Hughes County Commissioners and someone from the Casey Tibbs SD Rodeo Center.  The Commissioners will work on getting a proposal together.  Fort Pierre Economic Development is requesting reimbursement for amounts paid to contractors at the fairgrounds in 2011.  Motion by Jacobson to return monies to FEMA.  Died for lack of second.  Motion by Scott to give to Development Corporation.  Died for lack of second.  Motion by Scott, second by Iversen, to pay FEMA monies received in the sum of $15,204.32 to the Fort Pierre Economic Development as reimbursement in full for sums paid to contractors providing work at the fairgrounds during the flood of 2011.  Scott, Iversen and Booth voted Aye.  Davenport and Jacobson voted Nay.  Motion carried.

 SDACO CONVENTION AND ULTRA WORKSHOP:  Motion by Scott, second by Iversen, to authorize attendance and travel of Auditor, Register of Deeds, Treasurer, Welfare Director and Commissioners to attend the SDACO Convention in Sioux Falls in September 2012, and to authorize Deputy Treasurer and Auditor to attend the Ultra Workshop in Pierre on August 8, 2012.  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

 TRI-COUNTY RESCUE SERVICES AGREEMENT:  Jacobson will attend the meeting.

 BUDGET MEETING scheduled for Wednesday August 22, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. (CDT).

ADJOURN:  Motion to adjourn by Iversen, second by Scott, at 12:27 p.m. (CDT).  All voted Aye.  Motion carried.

 ATTEST:                                                         BOARD OF STANLEY COUNTY COMMISSION

 Karen Sharp, Auditor                                     Dennis Booth, Chairman 

Physical address

Stanley County Courthouse
08 E 2nd Avenue
Fort Pierre SD 57532

Mailing Address

Stanley County Courthouse
Auditors Office
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre SD 57532

